
2022-05-09 20:11:2614:25 280

1. Nothing is like home,that's the place we mayleave but our heart lingers.家是我们所爱的地方,双脚可以离开,心却不能。(2020253624 张子涵)In my childhood, home was a string of calls. The concept of home kept changing as my life hurried along. 在童年的时候,家是一声声传唤。家的概念在不停地变换着,生命在这种变换中匆匆地走着。(2019253116周紫萱)

2. Family traditions are a reflection of the refined performances of family members in the long run.家风是一个家庭的长期良好表现。(2019253218黄诗婷)

3. Respect is the soul of a family, and mutual love is the mainstay of harmony.尊重是家庭的灵魂,互爱是和谐的支柱。(2020253625 廖慧铃)

4. No parents could shirk their responsibilities towards their children.。没有父母会逃避对孩子的责任(2019253316卢靓洁)

5. Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know parents are falling in love with your smile. 不要皱眉,即使在你伤心的时候,因为你永远不知道父母最爱你的笑容。(2020253130王思静)

6. Educating children is like raising flowers. Only when they are carefully watered, fertilized and cared for can they succeed. But in fact, not everyone can raise flowers well. If you don’t  know it, you have to consult others and learn the experience and art of raising flowers.教育孩子如育花,精心浇水、施肥、呵护,方能成功。但事实上并不是所有人都能养好花,不懂得就要向别人请教,学习养花的经验与艺术。(2020253127 竺卿欣)

7. but don't confuse love with permissiveness. Sometimes telling a child no is the most loving thing you can do for him.但别将放任与爱混为一谈。有时候对孩子说不才显得出你对他的大爱。(2019253227王雨童)

8. Leave virtue and kindness to your children instead of property. And children should know how to deal with setbacks, stresses and feelings of inadequacy.把他们的美德和善良传给你的孩子们,而不是留下财富。并且孩子应该要知道如何应对挫折、压力和力不从心的感觉。(2019253317章乐怡)

9. The essence of family education is love. Parents should harness the power and wisdom of love to promote the mental health of children, which is of paramount importance to children's mental health and growth. On account of a variety of reasons caused by personality, character paranoia, extreme behavior, parents need to offer them more attention and love, making them have a sense of blessing.家庭教育的本质是爱,父母要用爱的力量、爱的智慧促进孩子的心理健康,这是对特殊学生的心理健康成长极其重要。孩子因为种种原因而造成性格上、品性上的偏执,行为上的极端,需要父母给予他们更多的关注和爱,让孩子感受到幸福感。(2019253231苏小晴)

10. Education is not the filling of a pail , but the lighting of a fire .教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。(2020253107 郭琪)


A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door.你现在所在的地方不一定能决定你将来到达的地方。


“Every family has its own difficulties in chanting scripture, but only happy ones make sense”


11. Home is everyone's expectation and dream, because home will record your experience of growing up step by step. It is the yearning of the gods, the light of the sun, and it nurtures every kind person.家,是每一个人的期望与梦想,因为家将记载你一步步成长的体验,它是神灵的向往,是太阳的光芒,它哺育着每一个善良的人。(2020253304黄昱涵)

12. Parents compose the most romantic poems for us, claiming we are the link between earth and sky.父母为我们书写了最浪漫的诗句,声称我们是天地之间的纽带。(2019253110廖继洪)

13. The happy family is the warm bed which brings up the children,the fun of family life is the best medicine that resists bad common practice poisons.幸福家庭是培育孩子成人的温床,家庭生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气毒害的良剂。(2019253215杨昕怡)

14. Everyone wants loving parents who are open and supportive.每个人都想拥有慈爱,开放,支持我们的父母。(2019253328何汶君)

15. Instead of always coming to their kid's rescue, which is more typical among permissive parents, authoritative parents allow their kids to make mistakes.宽容型父母总是会帮助孩子,而权威型父母则相反,他们允许孩子犯错。(2019253330付德梦)

16. And so with our overhelp, our overprotection and overdirection and hand-holding, we deprive our kids of the chance to build self-efficacy, which is a really fundamental tenet of the human psyche, far more important than that self-esteem they get every time we applaud.随着我们的过度帮助,过度保护,过度指导和过度关怀,我们剥夺了孩子建立自我能效的机会,自我能效是人类心智的重要准则,远比通过父母赞美建立起的自尊更重要。(2019253335王奕帆)

17. The home education is the founda foundation of the whole education, which enlightens a person growth beyond measure.家庭教育是一切教育在基础,家庭教育对一个人的启蒙成长,成才起着不可估量的作用(2019253301温乐乐)

18. She didn't want her children raised in this welter of hate and uncertainty, of bitterness and violence lurking just below the surface, of poverty and grinding hardships and insecurity.她决不愿意让她的孩子们在充满仇恨和不安、酝酿着暴力和痛苦,陷于贫穷、苦难和危险的一片混乱之中成长。

19. In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.在我年少并且脆弱的年纪,我的父亲给了我一些让我一直琢磨的建议(2020253218王嘉颖)



Home education is as indispensable to children as hunting skills are to beast cubs. Without it, kids will gain a lot of difficulties to find a foothold in society while the little cubs cannot survive in nature. Educating children is like raising flowers. Only when they are carefully watered, fertilized and cared for can one succeed. However,so many parents could not get the point. Some take little cares for their kids while the others concern their children too much. Although the former is for the sake of independence, it is less caring; the latter is in the name of love, but restricts children's growth. A good family education should not only ensure the healthy growth of kids' bodies, but also ensure that their souls are on the way. Children have more need of models than of critics. As parents,they should educate themselves first. Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground. Family education is not just about educating children. Children, as a link of their parents’lives, continue to develop on the basis of their parents. As parents, ones should pay more attention to their own growth in such a way to influence their children subtly and polish themselves at the same time. Besides, guidance is a recipe for education. lf you want to build a ship, do not drum up people to collect wood or assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.




As the saying goes, the family is the child's first school, and the parents are the child's first teachers. Children's attitudes and behaviors are influenced by their parents since childhood. Therefore, home education is of great importance to the growth of children. Educating children is never an easy thing, just like raising flowers, only when they are carefully watered, fertilized and cared for can they succeed. In addition, home education should pay attention to methods and strategies. One of the most important things is that parents need to let go and give their children enough space to grow. Overprotection backfires in that it deprives their kids of the chance to think independently. After all, each child will stand on their own feet and walk their own ways, and that's partly defined by the education they received and of course all the experiences they have gone through their lives. What parents can do is to create a good environment for their children, teach them how to think and solve problems, let them enjoy the joy of fighting in the rainstorm of life, and let them strive, survive and thrive.



A home is more than a family dwelling. Home is everyone’s expectation and dream, because home will record your experience of growing up step by step. It is the yearning of gods, the light of the sun, and it nurtures every kind person. And there is affection, happiness and education in the home. Family education determines a child’s basic training. Family education will shape the person child becomes like the butterfly shapes the hurricane in complex, seemingly unpredictable but powerful ways. The happy family is the warm bed which brings up the children, the fun of family life is the best medicine that resists bad common practice like poison. The unhappy family, on the other hand, can cause great harm to children, which is detrimental to them. Therefor, family affection like a shining star, can guide the lost heart in the dark sky at night .

























