英语新闻 | “青年者,国家之魂。”习近平寄语新时代青年

2023-08-08 10:23:0005:46 1.9万

President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at a gathering in Beijing on Tuesday to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China.

Here are the highlights:

Xi encourages youth to forge ahead on the new journey toward national rejuvenation

Celebrating the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) is to encourage its members to forge ahead on the new journey to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

A nation that places high hopes on its youth and maintains its youthful vigor can prosper.

Xi speaks of the milestone significance of CYLC founding

The founding of the CYLC is a milestone in the history of the Chinese revolution and the history of youth movement.

The founding mission of the CYLC is to unwaveringly follow the Communist Party of China (CPC) and strive for the Party and the people.

Xi sums up experience from youth league successes

The Party's leadership, firm beliefs and convictions, devotion to national rejuvenation, and its deep roots in the country's young people are key to the past and future successes of the CYLC.

Xi says young Chinese have bright prospects of realizing dreams

Young Chinese people in the new era have bright prospects of realizing their dreams.

Comparing the realization of the Chinese Dream to a relay race, Xi called on young generations to strive for their best to help realize national rejuvenation.

Xi said the young people shoulder heavy responsibilities and have a broad space to give full play to their talents.

Xi asks youth league to be a political school leading Chinese young people

Xi told the CYLC to always be a political school leading the ideological progress of young people.

Xi said the CYLC is a school for young people to understand socialism with Chinese characteristics and communism in practice, adding that the league should help them aim high at an early age and cultivate the trust in the Party, the confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics and the belief in Marxism from the bottom of their heart.

Xi urges youth league to remain the strongest bond between the Party and the youth

Xi urged the CYLC to remain as the strongest bond between the CPC and the youth.

The greatest strength of the CYLC, as the youth's own organization, lies in its broad reach at the grassroots and its deep involvement with young people, Xi said.

He asked the CYLC to continue serving young people, fulfill its responsibility in consolidating and expanding young people's support for the Party's governance, and offer solid help to the young people.

Xi stresses self-reform of youth league to maintain advanced nature

Xi urged the CYLC to have the courage to carry out self-reform to maintain its status as an advanced organization that closely follows the CPC and keeps pace with the times.

Xi urged the CYLC to implement the overall leadership of the Party in the whole process of its work in all areas, follow the development path of people's organizations of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and further deepen reform.

The CYLC should explore new models of its grassroots organizations in light of the new changes in young people's work and life, lead youth and students federations in upholding the banner of patriotism and socialism, and constantly consolidate and expand the youth patriotic united front, Xi said.

He also highlighted the need to strengthen self-building of the CYLC.

CPC is always worthy of the trust and following of young people

Xi said the CPC is a party that always maintains its youthful quality and is always worthy of the trust and following of young people.

Xi said that a hundred years on from its founding, the Party is still in its prime, and remains focused on achieving lasting greatness for the Chinese nation. 

CPC always opens its door to young people

Xi said the CPC always opens its door to young people and warmly welcomes them to become the fresh blood of the Party.

Xi said Party organizations at all levels should attach great importance to the cultivation and development of young Party members, especially from outstanding CYLC members, to ensure that the socialist country will never change its nature.

Xi asks youth league to be vanguard force in mobilizing China's youth

Xi told the CYLC to shoulder its responsibilities and always be a vanguard force in mobilizing China's youth in continuous endeavor.

The cause of the Party and the people entails the endeavor and devotion by generations of young people, Xi said, stressing that young people should devote their youth to great undertakings of the Party and the people.

Xi asked the league to unite and lead young people to follow the call of the Party and the people and work hard in places where the country needs them the most.

来源:中国日报网 新华社
























