Millie Monkey 小猴米莉

2022-05-16 20:30:0004:20 29

Millie Monkey has a frown on her face. She doesn't like her home in the zoo anymore.
"I'm not happy! I want a new swing! I don't want bananas anymore!" she says.
Millie tries to live with the giraffes. The place is too high.
Millie tries to live with the camels. The place is too smelly.
Millie tries to live with the polar bears. The place is too cold.
Millie tries to live with the hyenas. The place is too noisy.
Millie tries to live with the crocodiles. The place is too scary.
Millie tries to live with the bats. The place is too dark.
Millie tries to live with the dolphins. The place is too wet.
Millie tries to live with the hamsters. The place is too small.
Millie tries to live with the snakes. The place is too hot.
Millie Monkey is very sad. She feels lonely and lost.
At last, Millie finds a home that is just right. It is good enough for her.
"I'm very happy! I love my swing! I love bananas!" she laughs.

