2022-06-21 06:22:0100:15 1877

5A Unit 1 B参考答案


一.1-5CABCA  6-10BCABA  二. 1-5 CBAAC 

三. 1-5BCCAA 四. 1-5FFFTT

五. house,rooms, Let’s, beside, 

between, front, hard, soft, doll’s, dress,

一. 1-5BAADD 6-10CDCBB
二 1.him 2. those 3. let us 

4. them 5. either 6. can’t 7. has

 8. to /two 9. I would,

三. 1. hungry and thirsty bears,in front of her, 

2. behind me,

3. eat/have some cakes, in the living room, 

4. eat some soup,

5. a beautiful park, 

6.too hard or too soft,

7. is just right, put them on,
四. 1. them, 2. both like, likes, 

3. reading, to read, 4. front, 5. are, them,

6. easy, draw, 7. glasses, 8. on,in,

 9. sees, feet, 10. can’t, or, 11.to go,

12. hard, 13. are, her, 

14. skate, also, skating,15. are, They’re,

16. skating, skate, 17. is, is, is, are,

五. 1-5CCCCC 6-10 ACBCC 11-15ACBDC

六. 1.There aren’t any sweets or pies on the desk.

Are there any sweets and pies on the desk?

What’s on the desk? There is a sweet and a pie on the desk.

2. Where’s Liu Tao?

3. Where can he see some soup?

4. Bobby and Tina don’t find their cousin.

Do Bobby and Tina find their cousin? Who finds their cousin?

七. 1. Is there, there is, 2. There are, 

3. There are, 4. There is, 5. There is,

6. There are, 7. There aren’t, 

8. Are there, 9. There isn’t,

10. There is, there isn’t, 

11. Are there, there are,

12. Are there, there aren’t, There are, 

13. are there, There are

14. There are, There is, 15. Is there, there is 
八. house, hungry, thirsty, table,cold, hot, three, beds, hard, bears, 

九. 1.four, sofas, are, sitting room 

2. I can’t see any hot tea on the table.  

3. What,house 

4. That jacket is too big. This one is just right.

5. There are three bears in front of her.

6. The little girl is cold and hungry. She would like/wants some hot soup.
十.likes, has, bears, soft, difficult,

十一. 1-5 CABCA 6-10 BABAD

十二. A. 1-5BCABA 

B. eat, king, see, is, front, behind, are, right, go, CBCBA


D. tall, strong, short, small, big, strong, tall, thin, kind,helpful

