【英语章节故事_08】Alice in Wonderland_Chapter 8(附双语文本)

2022-07-27 22:17:2603:57 2042

Would you like to hear about Alice's visit to the Duchess? It was a very interesting visit indeed, I can assure you. Of course she knocked at the door to begin with: but nobody came: so she had to open it for herself. Now, if you look at the picture, you'll see exactly

what Alice saw when she got inside. The door led right into the kitchen, you see. The Duchess sat in the middle of the room, nursing the Baby. The Baby was howling. The soup was boiling. The Cook was stirring the soup. The Cat--it was a Cheshire Cat-was grinning, as Cheshire Cats  always do. All these things were happening just as Alice went in.

The Duchess has a beautiful cap and gown, hasn't she? But I'm afraid she hasn't got a very beautiful face. The Baby-well, I daresay you've seen several nicer babies than that: and more good-tempered ones, too. However, take a good look at it, and we'll see if you know it again, next time you meet it! The Cook-well, you may have seen nicer cooks, once or twice. But I'm nearly sure you've never seen a nicer Cat! Now have you? And wouldn't you like to have a Cat of your own, just like that one, with lovely green eyes, and smiling so sweetly? The Duchess was very rude to Alice. And no wonder. Why, she even called her own Baby "Pig!" And it wasn't a Pig, was it? And she ordered the Cook to chop off Alice's head: though of course the Cook didn't do it: and at last she threw the Baby at her! So Alice caught the Baby, and took it away with her: and I think that was about the best thing she could do. So she wandered away, through the wood, carrying the ugly little thing with her. And a great job it was to keep hold of it, it wriggled about so. But at last she found out that the proper way was, to keep tight hold of its left foot and its right ear. But don't you try to hold on to a Baby like that, my Child! There are not many babies that like being nursed in that way! Well, and so the Baby kept grunting, and grunting, so that Alice had to say to it, quite seriously, "If you're going to turn into a Pig, my dear, I'll have nothing more to do with you. Mind now!" And at last she looked down into its face, and what do you think had happened to it? Look at the picture, and see if you can guess. "Why, that's not the Baby that Alice was nursing, is it?" Ah, I knew you wouldn't know it again, though I told you to take a good look at it! Yes, it is the Baby. And it's turned into a little Pig! So Alice put it down, and let it trot away into the wood. And she said to herself "It was a very ugly baby: but it makes rather a handsome Pig, I think." Don't you think she was right?






那个厨师, 嗯,也许你们见过比她更棒的厨师。但是,我几乎可以确定,你们从未见过比柴郡猫更酷的猫, 我说的没错吧?难道你们不想拥有一只属于自己的猫吗?像柴郡猫这样长着可爱的绿眼晴、还能够咧着嘴巴微笑的猫?公爵夫人对爱丽丝的态度非常粗暴。她还骂自己的婴儿是“猪崽子”,这没有什么值得大惊小怪的。那个婴儿并不是一头小猪,对吧?公爵夫人竞然吩咐厨师把爱丽丝的脑袋砍掉。当然,厨师没有遵命。后来,公爵大人把婴儿朝着爱丽丝扔了过来!爱丽丝一把接住婴儿,抱着他转身就逃。我想,这是她所能做的最明智的事情了。爱丽丝抱着那个丑八怪婴儿,在树林中到处游走。那个婴儿在她怀里乱踢乱动,抱起来格外吃力。到末了,爱丽丝发现了一个实用的方法,就是紧紧抓住婴儿的左脚和右耳。


哎呀,那个婴儿一个劲儿地哼哼唧唧,爱丽丝只好严肃地告诚他说:“听着,如果你变成一头小猪的话,我就再也不跟你打交道啦!说罢,她低头瞧了瞧婴儿的脸,你们猜,他怎么啦?对,就是这张图片,看你们能不能猜得出. “哦,这不是爱丽丝怀中的婴儿,对吧?”












