214 Jay‘s Treaty ,1794

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214. Jay‘s Treaty ,1794

 Ever since 1783 there had been trouble with the British . They had not surrendered the posts on the Great Lakes , as the treaty of 1783 required them to do . They had oppressed American commerce . The American states also had broken the treaty by making laws to prevent the collection of debts due to British subjects by American cit - izens . The Congress of the Confederation had been too weak to compel either the British government or the American states to obey the treaty . But the new government was strong enough to make treaties respected at home and abroad . Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to London to negotiate a new treaty . He found the British government very hard to deal with . At last he made a treaty . But there were many things in it which were not at all favorable to the United States . For instance , it provided that cotton should not be exported from the United States , and that American commerce with the British West Indies should be greatly restricted .

