278 Opposition to the Admission of Missouri

2022-12-02 06:07:0001:31 39

278.Opposition to the Admission of Missouri

 Many people in the North opposed the admission of Missouri because the settlers of the proposed state were slaveholders . Mis - souri would be a slave state , and these North - erners did not want any more slave states . Originally slavery had existed in all the old thir - teen states . But every state north of Maryland had before 1819 either put an end to slavery or had adopted some plan by which slavery would gradually come to an end . Slavery had been ex - cluded from the Northwest by the famous Or - dinance of 1787( p .135). In these ways slavery had ceased to be a vital institution north of Maryland and Kentucky . Why should slavery be alowed west of the Mississippi River ? Louisiana had been admitted as a slave state (1812). But the admission of Louisiana had been provided for in the treaty for the purchase of Louisiana from France . The Southerners felt as strongly on the other side . They said that their slaves were their property , and that they had a perfect right to take their property and settle on the land belonging to the nation . Having founded a slave state , it was only right that the state should be admitted to the Union .





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