374 Threats of Secession November ,1860

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374.Threats of Secession November ,1860

The Constitution permits each state to choose presidential electors as it sees fit . At the outset these electors had generally been cho - sen by the state legislatures . But , in the course of time , all the states save one had come to choose them by popular vote . The one state that held to the old way was South Carolina . Its legislature still chose the state ' s presidential electors . In 1860 the South Carolina legislature did this duty and then remained in session to see which way the election would go . When Lincoln ' s election was certain , it called a state convention to consider the question of seced - ing from the United States . In other Southern states there was some opposition to secession . In Georgia , especialy , Alexander H . Stephens led the opposition . He said that secession " was the height of madness ." Nevertheless he moved a resolution for a convention . Indeed , al the southernmost states followed the example of South Carolina and summoned conventions .

