11 - How to Catch a Lizard by Gammy

2022-09-30 15:03:3402:23 3806

How to Catch a Lizard

Gammy stopped sweeping the kitchen floor and looked up.

What was that sound? Kissing sounds, but no one else was home. Gammy entered the nearby hallway.

She looked up there on the wall hanging like a painting was a scaly brown lizard.  Gammy stared at the creature. She knew a little bit about lizards. The tiny hairs on the sides of their feet made it possible for a lizard to stick to a wall, even a ceiling.

Its skin was rough and its tail whipped back and forth letting Gammy know it was ready for anything - good or bad.

Gammy moved a little closer, the lizard scurred across the wall.

Whoa. How would she ever catch such a quick reptile? Her children would soon be home from school. What if the lizard got in the nearby closet and scurried out just as they were hanging up their jackets?

Just then the lizard scurried higher up the wall. How am I going to catch this lizard, Gammy wondered?

He can run very fast. Could she sweep him out with a broom? Use a box. Yes! A box.  Gammy found a sturdy box in the house with a flat piece of cardboard inside it.  She removed the piece of cardboard and turned the box upside down,

Walking slowly and quietly, Gammy got his close to the lizard as she dared.

Gammy flipped the open box over the lizard still pressed against the wall. The lizard was very quiet in the box. Gammy slid the cardboard under the box so the lizard could not escape.

She carried the box outside and placed it on the ground. She grabbed a stick and flip the box over with it. The lizard ran away never to be seen again.

The end.


How to



How To

