421 Chattanooga ,November ,1863

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421.Chattanooga ,November ,1863

 The Union soldiers at Chattanooga were in great danger . For the Confeder - ates were all about them and they could get no food . But help was at hand . Hooker , with fifteen thousand men from the Army of the Potomac , arrived and opened a road by which food could reach Chattanooga . Then Grant came with Sherman ' s corps from Vicksburg . He at once sent Sherman to as - sail Bragg ' s right flank and ordered Hooker to attack his left flank . Sherman and his men advanced until he was stopped by a deep ravine . At the other end of the line Hooker fought right up the side of Lookout Mountain , until the battle raged above the clouds . In the center were Thomas ' s men . Eager to avenge the slaughter of Chicka - mauga , they carried the first Confederate line of defenses . Then , without orders , they rushed up the hilside over the inner lines . They drove the Southerners from their guns and seized their works . Bragg retreated as well as he could . Longstreet was besieging Knoxville . He escaped through the moun - tains to Lee ' s army in Virginia .



