445 The Purchase of Alaska ,1867

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445. The Purchase of Alaska ,1867

 In 1867 President Johnson sent to the Senate , for ratification , a treaty with Russia for the pur - chase of Russia ' s American possessions . These were called Alaska , and included an immense tract of land in the extreme Northwest . The price to be paid was seven million dolars . The history of this purchase is still little known . The Senate was completely taken by surprise , but it ratified the treaty . Until recent years the only important product of Alaska has been the skins of the fur seals . To preserve the seal herds from extinction , the United States made rules limiting the number of seals to be kiled in any one year . The Canadians were not bound by these rules , and the herds have been nearly de - stroyed . In recent years large deposits of gold have been found in Alaska and in neighboring portions of Canada . But the Canadian deposits are hard to reach without first going through Alaska . This fact has made it more difficult to agree with Great Britain as to the boundary be - tween Alaska and Canada .

