463 Cleveland‘s Administration ,1885-89

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463. Cleveland‘s Administration ,1885-89

The great contest of Cleveland ' s first term was a fierce struggle over the tar - iff . The government ' s need of money during the Civil War had compeled Congress to raise large sums by means of internal revenue taxes . These taxes in turn had brought about a great increase in the tariff rates on goods imported from foreign countries . The internal revenue taxes had been almost entirely removed , but the war tariff substantially remained in force . In 
1887 Cleveland laid the whole question before Congress . For a time it seemed probable that something would be done . But the opposition in Congress was very active and very strong . It fel out , therefore , that nothing important was done . The real significance of Cleveland ' s first administration lay in the fact that the Southern - ers were once again admitted to a share in the government of the nation . It marked , therefore , the reunion of the American people .

