Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Inhibit Your Growth

2023-10-16 06:12:2701:35 111

Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Inhibit Your Growth

A certain level of self-doubt can keep you humble and push you to work harder. But when self-doubt manifests as imposter syndrome, it can prevent you from growing. Here are a few ways to fight back against that nagging voice in your head:

l Acknowledge that it’s normal to second-guess yourself — especially when you’re new to an organization or if your team members look, behave, or have very different experiences than you.

l Focus your nervous energy on learning and adding value. When you identify an area of weakness, think of it as an opportunity to grow. This is how the best leaders gain confidence.

l Be sincere — to yourself and others. If you’re clear about who you are and what you stand for, you’re less likely to try to fit into a mold that wasn’t designed for you in the first place.

l Find an ally. Still feeling like an imposter even after practicing the above tips? Try and find yourself an ally, mentor, or group of like-minded colleagues who can help you feel like you belong.

This tip is adapted from “Do You Ever Second Guess Yourself?,” by Tucci Ivowi




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