Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
So the next day Aladdin's mother carried a gold plate with many beautiful jewels on it to the Sultan's palace. She went into a long room, but when she saw the Sultan, his Vizier and all his slaves, she was very afraid. So she waited quietly in the room and spoke to nobody. In the evening she went back home again with the jewels. Aladdin was very angry with her.Mother, you must speak to the Sultan,' he said. 'I have no father to do this for me. You must help me - I must marry the Princess. I love her!'
So the next day, and for many days after that, Aladdin's mother went to the palace, but she was always afraid to speak.In the end, the Sultan saw her and asked his Vizier Who is that woman? Why does she come to the palace every day.

The Vizier spoke to Aladdin's mother: 'Do you want to speak to the Sultan? Yes? Come with me.'The Vizier took Aladdin's mother to the Sultan, and she put her head on the ground at his feet.
'Get up, woman. Why do you come here every day?' the Sultan asked. 'Speak, woman.'Your Majesty.' Aladdin's mother said quietly, 'I have a son, a good young man. He is called Aladdin. He loves your daughter, Princess Badr-al-Budur. He cannot sleep or eat because of her. He wants to marry her.'
The Sultan laughed. Ha ha…What? Marry my daughter? Your son?'
'Your Maiestv. these jewels are for you. from my son Aladdin.
And Aladdin's mother put the gold plate with the jewels in front of the Sultan's feet.Everybody looked at the jewels, and the long room was suddenly very quiet. Then the Sultan spoke.These are very beautiful jewels,' he said. 'No man in Arabia has jewels more wonderful than these. Your son is a rich man - a good husband for my daughter.'
The Vizier did not like to hear this, because he wanted the Princess to marry his son.
'Your Majesty,' he said quietly in the Sultan's ear, 'my son is a rich man, too. Give him three months, and he can find better jewels than these.''Very well,' said the Sultan. And to Aladdin's mother he said: 'Your son must wait for three months, and then perhaps he can marry my daughter.'
Aladdin's mother went home to tell Aladdin, and the Vizier went away to speak to his son. And every day, for two months, the Vizier's son came to the Sultan and gave him gold, and jewels and many beautiful things.

