拓展模块U1课文1只读版 ~ Etiquette in Language Communication

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Unit 1 Social Communication 课文1 

Etiquette in Language Communication

Americans are usually tolerant of non-native speakers who have some trouble understanding English. But they become annoyed when a person pretends to understand but doesn't really and then creates problems because as of misunderstanding what was said。No one wants “soap” when he asked for “soup”.So if you don't understand what is said to you, admit it and politely ask the person to repeat or explain.

Second,it is quite rude to talk with the person in your native language and leave your American friends standing there. The Americans certainly will feel lost because they can't understand the conversation and may also feel that you were talking about them or saying something you don't want them to hear. If you must switch to your native language to explain something to a non-English speaker, at least tell your American friends so that they don't feel left out.

Third, learn just a few more polite English expressions, and you'll be ready to face the world of Americans with confidence. The polite response to a compliment about your looks or your work is,”Thank you”.A smile and a nod is not enough. The response to “thank you” is “You're welcome”or “It's OK”.If someone asks,”How are you?” don't give your medical history, just say,”Fine, thanks. And you?”

Finally, what should you say when someone sneezes, it may not seem suitable, but the correct response is, god bless you.And remember, whenever you cough in the middle of a talk with someone or before an audience, you must say, excuse me, now that you've studied this quick.overview of manners in the U S, you are ready to be polite in English, let's hope your American friends will be just as polite.


美国人对理解英语有困难的非本国人一般比较宽容。但是如果有人假装听懂了而实际上并没有听懂,并且由于误解对方的话而引起了问题时,他们就会烦恼。当我们想要soup(汤)时,谁也不想得到soap (肥皂)。所以如果你不明白别人对你讲的话时,就要承认并且有礼貌地请这人重说一遍或解释一下。


第三,只要再学习那么几句英语的礼貌用语,你就会有把握地面对美国人了。别人夸你的外貌或工作时,有礼貌的回答是“Thank you (谢谢你)”。仅仅微笑和点头是不够的,对“Thank you”的回答当然是“You're welcome”或“It's OK(别客气)”。如果有人问你“How are you(你好吗)?”不必告诉他你的医疗历史,只要说“Fine, thanks(很好,谢谢。),and you(你好吗)?”就够了。

第四,最后,如果有人打喷嚏,你应当怎么说?听起来似乎不合适,但正确的回答是“上帝保佑你”。还要记住你在和别人谈话中或在听众面前咳嗽时,你都必须先说,“Excuse me(对不起)”。既然你已经对美国的礼貌有了简单的了解,那么你就完全可以有礼貌地运用英语了。希望你的美国朋友也是一样有礼貌。

