拓展模块 U3 课文-1 只读版 The Birth of Blue Jean 蓝色牛仔裤的诞生

2023-02-09 12:27:0302:29 218

中职英语拓展模块 Unit 3 Fashion

U3 课文-1

The Birth of Blue Jeans
Each time you step into your old jeans,you were putting on a piece of history.The world’s favorite trousers are now over one hundred fifty years old.The first jeans were made in 1850,in the California gold rush.A man named Levi Strauss realized that the gold miners’normal trousers wore out too quickly.Strauss had bought some strong canvas,intending to make it into tents and wagon covers.Instead,he made some trousers out of it, and those were the first jeans--in brown at that time.The trousers sold well,and Strauss began looking around for ways of making them even stronger.He found a material that was better than canvas—a kind of cotton cloth that was manufactured only in the south of France.Strauss ordered boat-loads of that material and,to keep color consistent,had it all dyed dark blue.The resulting trousers then became known as “blue jeans.”In the early days,cowboys,farmers and miners--all people who worked outdoors—wore jeans.But there were a few design problems with the early styles.When cowboys crouched too close to the campfire,the rivet used to strengthen the jeans in the crotch got too hot and made them very uncomfortable.Strauss didn’t take much notice of this until the 1940’s,when a company official experienced the problem first hand.The crotch rivet was soon removed!In the nineteen fifties and sixties,jeans became fashionable.Film stars like John Wayne and Marilyn Monroe wore them,and so did pop stars like the Rolling Stones.Fashion changed in the seventies,and jeans became very very tight.If you could get the the zipper up while standing,they were not tight enough.You had to lie down on the bed to do them up.Thus the miners’ old work pants gradually have become more and more varied and today,over 150 years after their creation, “blue” jeans in various styles and a rainbow of colors are still very much in fashion.



