拓展模块U5课文-1 只读版 ~ Good Manners - Making an Apology

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Unit 5 Good Manners - Making an Apology

In our lives,we sometimes say or do something that my hurt others.Then we need to apologize.Making an apology helps to mend a damaged relationship and may even strengthen a friendship.

We are already familiar with some expressions for apologizing,such as“excuse me”or“I'm sorry”.There are also other ways to apologize, such as“Pardon” “I apologize”and“Please forgive me”.When you have missed your friend's party,you might say,“I was really busy that day and just couldn’t make it.Please accept my sincere apology.”When you have lost your temper with someone and realized you were wrong,you may say,“I apologize for my poor attitude.Will you forgive me?”

When a person apologizes to you,it is necessary to respond to the apology to show that you forgive the person.You may answer,“It’s all right.”or“Never mind.”If the situation was somewhat more serious and the person was really sincere,you might say,“I forgive you.”or“We all make mistakes.”

Sometimes people apologize not for having done something wrong,but for the inconvenience they have caused.On the building under repair you may see signs reading,“We are expanding our store to serve you better.Please pardon our dust.”In the supermarket you may hear a salesperson say,“I'm sorry it is not available today. Would you please come tomorrow?”

People sometimes feel ashamed of making an apology, because they do not want to lose face.Yet there are ways to avoid a face-to-face situation.Making an apology on the phone is not a direct or very personal way of apologizing,but it is sometimes the best choice.If emotion are still raw and you feel there is a chance of unpleasantness,some“distance”is often safer and understandable.

Learning how to apologize is important and interpersonal communication.We don't lose face when we apologize.On the contrary we’d lose face if we never express regret for our mistakes.



我们已经熟悉了一些道歉的说法,如:“对不起”,或“很抱歉”。还有其他一些说法,例如:“Pardon(对不起)”“I apologize(我[向你]道歉)”和“Please forgive me(请原谅)。”当你错过了你朋友的聚会时,你可以说:“我那天真是很忙,赶不过来。请接受我真诚的道歉。”如果你跟某人发了脾气,你又意识到你错了,你可以说:“我态度太差了,为此我表示歉意,你能原谅我吗?”

如果有人向你道了歉,你必须作出适当的反应,表示你原谅了这个人。你可以说,“It's all right(没关系)”或者“Never mind(不要紧)。”如果情况比较严重,但这个人的道歉确实很诚恳,你可以说,“I forgive you.(我原谅你)”或者 “We all make mistakes.(我们每人都会犯错误)”

有时人们道歉不是因为做了什么错事,而是因为给人带来了不便。你可以看见在正在修理的大楼上的招牌上写着:“为了更好地为您服务,我们正在扩建商店。 四处是尘土,请多原谅。”在超市里,你可能听见过售货员说:“对不起。今天没货,您明天来,行吗?”



