season 6

2023-04-04 20:46:0505:18 20
1、A:I can't memrize this long English world.I have a poor memory.
B:You can divide it into parts.It'sesier to memorize it that way.
2、A: Hello, doctor,I can't see things cearly with my eyes,Is there a problem with my eyes?
B:Ok,let me see,Don't worry ,You just need more sleep.
3、A:I can't smell anything with my nose.
B: Maybe you have a cold.Why don't you go see a doctor?
4、A:Hey,Listen to me .I can hear a clear sound coming from the kitchen.Can you hear it?
B:Of course.I'm not deaf.It's just the noise our at is making.
5、A:I'm the next one to be interviewed . I'm so nervous right now.My voice is shaking.
B: Just relax .You can try to take a deep breath.Breathe in a lot of fresh air and slowly breathe out .If that doesn't help,you can just speak to me pretending I'm the head of this company.
6、A:Honey,I will miss you .Have a good flight.
B:I will miss you ,too ,Give me a hug.
7、A:Can I touch this with my hand?
B:Sure ,but don't take photos.It's not allowed.
8、A:When you dad went to your room last night.why did you push him away?
B: He went to my room without kncking at the door .I pointed at him with my fnger and said something bad. He got mad and tore down one of the posters on the wall.I said something even worse. Then he tried to grab my arm,so I pushed him away and ran out.
9、A:Would you like to give away your old books?
B:No,I wouldn't .I'll pack them up and put them away.
10、A:What did you do today?
B:I cleaned up my room today.
11、A:You just washed your car a few days ago. Why are you wahing it again?
B:Because I'm going to pick up important friend at the airport today.Can you pour some more water into my bucket?

