
2023-04-13 14:30:1412:26 59

Hi guys what's up its majority i'm a first year medical student in turkey and today we're going to be talking about. How i learned english by myself without even studying it. So let's get started. Okay so i'll mention about my english background a disclaimer about the method and prose and cons of the method everything that i mentioned will be time stamped down in the description below so that it can skip the part that you are interested in. So let's get started so let's start with my english background. I went to regular private school in turkey until i got to high school i have never attended to an english international school before high school i took english essence as my main foreign language. And when i got into high school i got german as my main for a language in elementary and middle school i learned basic english i was like around a2level according to cefr i got a2certificate in english when i was in. An elementary school i guess i don't know i don't remember that but i didn't try to get bewan diplomb because i kind of then need it i was able to understand daily conversations and explain like basic things about myself and. Kind of like have a basic conversation with people but i was having like kind of struggle when people speak very fast. So what can you do with any2level in english?Is here if you want to read that stop the video and read it english was one of my favorite subjects back in a day until i got high school i went to sir the german turkish international high school in istumble and we had pretty intense german. In lessons in prep class we had like forty lessons per week german and the only had like two to four lessons of english in a week. At that time only thing that i cared. Was german so i wasn't really focusing in english lessons i always sleeping throughout the lessons all the time sorry teacher but yeah of course there are a lot of differences between german and english but i find them pretty similar to each other and i realize that. Whenever i study english or german after that i kind of mix up the words. In these languages and like in german listens english words pop up to my mind and english listens i say like yeah。So i decided to focus on only german for a while and then may be work on english later on by studying only german my german got better and better. But the sad thing is my english got weaker and weaker. I knew that i had to do something but i didn't know what to do and were to start and it's been a long time since i've studied english and all ourselves and our school was like german kind of like school and old students were focused on german so nobody was caring much about english actually. Back in a day i was watching so much youtube and one day youtube recommended me a video from james charles and if you。 know him。 you。 know that he speaks very very very fast?It was the first time my so guy doing a makeup i was really interested in him so i really wanted to underst,and what he was saying. But i couldn't but i was watching him any ways. I decided to improve my english skills. To underst,and jim's charles which is kind of like. Funny to me and i'll show, you guys throughout the video how i did that okay so quick this glamour since this video is about my experience it does not contain any evident space tips from me. So if you want some evidence-based tips. Then stay tuned because i will be uploading science based language learning tips so you know with for that video next week videos are coming so second disclaimer is if you are below a2level i would recommend you to come at that level. First because i think it helped me quite a lot okay so let's look about the method the method itself is very basic okay so step one choose what to watch it can be a unet flux show or youtuber or tv show whatever but. Has to be in english you don't need to watch every single day exactly the same video or something you can alternate. It win netflix, youtube tv shows in all of stuff。But don't forget the consumer in english okay so after deciding it we're moon tusteb. To step to is watch them at at normal speed and put the subtitle zone try to underst,and what they're talking about and focus on that video don't forget you are doing it for educational propose. Now for your fun all right watch every single day at least one are of youtube netflix whatever you've chosen i was watching about like three youtube four hours every single day in english so yeah do that. And also consume media only in english turn your phone settings into english read news in english listen english songs sing them along try to underst,and what they are talking about make english a part of your daily life use english. When you start to underst,and the videos. Without subtitles move on to the next step. So step three congratulations so you。 have to be understanding the videos without subtitles now watch videos in english without subtitles. At least one hour every single day to something that you enjoy it's a. Perfect opportunity to watch on educational things without any guilt i don't know if you guys feel guilt but. Whenever i wore something uneducational for life fun proposes。I kind of feel guilty so yeah after watching one episode or one video try to explain it to yourself in english by your own words what you have just. And also try to explain it without translating any words you who suck at beginning and its kind of feels weird to talk into yourself but trust me it will. Help you so much in a long run and you will be able to speak fluently i was talking to myself in english. Whenever i am shovering do my makeup do my skin care like all the time. I was basically trying to eat. Playing things in english whenever i think about something i was like trying and to explain it in english to myself. It's kind of weird because you are talking all the time to herself and you kind of feel like insane person but it's all right it's going to help a lot so trust me okay so when you kind of got better at understanding videos without subs and talking. Yourself move on to next step. So step four is start to read in english if you don't love reading shame on, you you are losing so freak and much things so um you know if you try to love reading and if you fail at it i can make a video about of it if you guys. Want but for now if you。 hate reading books then read maybe newspapers or news on online on apps whatever after reading one chapter or one news try to summarize it in your own words try to explain it in english。To yourself it can be very basic you don't need to speak like a native speaker but try to explain it yourself every single time it will help you and don't forget to continue watching english videos as well at least one hour a day don't forget it after. Doing doves move on to the next. Step you should be able to underst,and you to videos without subtitles and able to underst,and what you read at this point. Speed up the videos to one point two five to one point five. Read more make it a habit to use english in your daily life i usually watch youtube videos at. Double speed um in english in germanian japanese in turkish whatever it doesn't matter but i watch all of them in double speed and i easily underst,and what they're talking about in all stuff. Okay so next step is continued for a year all of them like reading every single day it can be one chap through or so on i mean you can read one news today right so read in english listen to english songs watch, youtube at least. For an hour and every single time after watching something after reading something after hearing something tried to explain it yourself in your own words. In english and don't use ever translator. It's very important we're kind of trying to make english brain in our brain。So you have to create that english brain you have to think in english and you have to express yourself in english in this process you're not going to use any under language than english. That's very very important it took me about a year to become fluent in english. At that time i was like talking very basic stuff. But i got better and better with the time i am able to speak right now about more complicated things and i am not like native speaker whatserver but i am kind of confident in my english i guess you can of course with. Some language courses and caught that time out but i was wanting to do at home and i didn't want to spend some money on so if you are broke. For you okay so let's talk about the prose and cones about this method. So let's start with the prose. Firstly it's fun i mean you if you choose something that you enjoy to watch then it's really fun i was like watching james charles jeffrey star many emmy way and patrick star and all us stuff and they're talking fast and i was like kind of enjoying the process because. With the time i kind of start to underst,and them so it was very fond to me and the second pro is it doesn't cost you anything extra if you have internet connection in youtube on your phone and if you are watching this video it does mean that you. Have both of them so you know if you are broke like me?It's perfect for you pro three is basically you'll be able to speak fluently. So i mean i'm just approved if you don't need to visit classes. To learn english so. I think it's very cool i think it's a huge flex when you say people like. And learn english by myself without studying it you know. I don't know maybe that just me being nurses to take a buck yeah so let's move on to cons. So if you don't do any. Stir studying on grammar。You will sock at english grammar like me. My grammar is pretty bad in english because i just didn't study it but you know if you want to improve your grammar as all study i don't regretted i mean i can always sit english grammar but i'm not studying it i don't know wido i think i'm satisfied with it?But yeah, if you don't wanna like me then study english grammar cons too as i said earlier in this video if you are totally beginner's not for you because you need to have a bit of information and about basic knowledge in order to do my. Techniques so at least reach today a2level also. Third one it's not for you if you are learning english for academic proposed if you study grammar for extra for academic proposed maybe we'll work for you i don't know but if you're using this technique for academic proposed i don't recommend because you're now gonna be good at grammar and. One is this is not a evidence-based technique so this. Worked for me but it might not work for you if you want some evidence based tips then statuned as i said the videos are coming so statuned i'm going to make a series a complete series of. Evidence-based language learning tips from a polyglot or right so. Statute before ending the video let me talk about my uploading schedule every tuesday i uploaded a study with me video. And every friday i upload a video that i am talking about whatever i want at that time so for coming next months. It's gonna be about language learning tubs. So if you love these topics。Subscribed to my channel you know. Mashed like bottom helped the youtube algorithm to pop up my video more soya i will be happy if you do that okay i guess that was it. Give me a feedback i love you guys?





















