five things for College Graduates

2023-04-29 08:01:5909:58 89
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Five Things for College Graduates to Know

David Owen.  focus on what every college grad should know.felt obligated to let you, college students, know what things to look out for when you graduate , don't get railroaded.

5 things every college grad should know.

1. you have to understand: a degree does not entitle you to a job.

 amazing to hear recent college graduates get so worked up about not being able to find a job. Here comes the tough love that you know is coming. Just because you got a degree, It's time to get your head out of the sand.

The days when all you needed was a college degree to get a job are long gone. Deep down inside, you know it's true. Think back to your graduation. Remember your fellow classmates graduating with you? They too got degrees.  

What's going to separate you from them? Why should employers hire you instead of all the other clones? You must learn to differentiate yourself.

It's not enough to put your future in the hands of an educational institution.

]It's time to stop blaming the world. It's time to take personal responsibility, and to have the courage to shape your future with your own hands.

2. make sure to find what you love to do.

The time you have after college is the time to find what you love to do. You are not burdened with the heavy responsibilities of a mortgage, family, or dependents.

most likely move back home or room with a buddy.

 find what you love to do. Don't put it off. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap of getting a job just to get by and falling into a routine. to get a job just to get by,

 if you don't have a goal, plan, or passion, to shoot for, the future looks very bleak for you.

Aside from your job, you are also required to learn how to interact with people.

 probably one of the most valuable skills you can have in your belt. This is a "street smart" skill. he only way you can develop this skill is by putting it into practice constantly until it becomes second nature.

This skill will come into play when you get your first job. Learn to make a habit of greeting people with a smile. Make small talk, get to know your co-workers, help them when they have a problem. Eat lunch with them. Talk about the TV shows you watch when you're at the water cooler or about the cool blogs you visit on the net. Learn to be positive. Make people smile when they see you coming your way.

You will find that the skill of comfortably interacting with people will help you

when it comes time for promotion. also protect you from the next subject.

 Practice CYA,cover your ass. Office politics-yes, ]everything you've heard is true. Office politics does exist , not pretty. When it comes to downsizing, employees turn on the quiet employee in the corner like a pack of wolves ,whisper to the managers that he or she must go.  you should learn how to interact with people.

When it comes to personal differences between employees and managers, managers will look for the smallest excuse to fire their employees.

even if you are the most charming employee ever, you should still CYA. Keep all emails. Back them up. Have everything in writing. If a potential problem or situation comes up, document it as fully as you can. Don't trust your memory.

If someone accuses you of something so bad that it could cost you your job,

hen you can calmly pull out all the information you saved and effectively CYA.  

The last thing is: build and maintain a new social network.

graduate, you're not going to be surrounded by your classmates and dorm buddies. The only people you will probably keep in touch with are your roommates and your frat buddies ,close friends you made, all be doing their own thing in different places.

Building a social network is crucial. Studies have shown that having a strong social network leads to positive mental and physical health over the course of one's life.

Don't just stay at home  play video games, expect friends to magically show up at your doorstep. Go to places where you have a genuine interest ,meet similar people there who share your interests, which is perfect fodder for friendships.

the 5 discussed here are some of the more important ones that should be made known. So college grads: Take personal responsibility, find what you love to do, learn how to positively interact with people, always CYA, ]and build a strong social network. By doing these things, you will find it to be extremely beneficial and a worthwhile investment on your part.


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