【小学篇】A lost purse

2023-05-06 07:15:3106:01 61

A lost purse(丢失的小钱包)

One evening I went to have dinner with my uncle and aunt. They had also invited another person,a young woman, so there would be four people at table. Her face was familiar. 一天晚上,我和叔叔阿姨去吃饭,他们还邀请了另一个人。一个年轻的女人,所以会有四个人在餐桌旁,她的脸很熟悉。I was quite sure that we had met before, but I could not remember where I had seen her. 我很肯定我们以前见过面,但我想不起来在哪里见过她。In the course of the talk, however, that young woman, happened to tell us that she had lost her purse the other day. All at once I remembered where I had seen her. 然而,在谈话的过程中,那位年轻女子碰巧告诉我们,她的钱包丢了。有一天,我突然想起在哪里见过她。She was just the young girl in the photo in the purse I had picked up while walking down the street that afternoon,Although she looked much older.She was surprised, of course, when I was able to describe her purse to her. 她就是那天下午我在街上散步时捡到的钱包里的照片里的那个年轻女孩。虽然她看起来老多了,但当我能够向她描述她的钱包时,她当然感到惊讶。Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photo I had found in the purse. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately to fetch the purse. 然后我解释说,我是从钱包里找到的照片中认出她的,叔叔坚持要马上去派出所拿钱包。As the policeman handed it over, he said I had found not only the purse, but the person who had lost it. 当警察把它递给我时,他说我不仅找到了钱包,还找到了丢失它的人。

