
2023-05-17 08:00:0008:49 1.1万

For sure, she was frustrated when I was frustrated. She was sad when I was sad. But more than anything, my friends stood by my side when I think they visibly saw me in so much pain. And they didn't want it for me, but they sorry.

You said it happened by accident. You said the songs just I guess got finished and in this day and age, why hold on to them?

Ihad been working on the album for 4 years. I didn't wanna release anything that was mine just cause I didn't feel it was the right timing. I Learned a lot from the last album and I wanted to take what I've Learned and turn it into something even better. And I'm glad I did because this year, everything kinda just started pouring out of me. I started saying things and in a way that I've never been able to articulate them before. So it was actually exactly when it needed to happen. Bill, like I told you earlier, we shot the videos just a week ago and that's really unheard of. What got you to.

A place where you could start to tell your truth?

I've been in therapy for years. I've also taken birth breaks and I've gone places to recollect my thoughts and my emotions and my well being. And but I've always been pretty transparent about what I've, what I've gone through. I just choose how I'm gonna do. It would be an authentic for me to just not say what I felt in the beginning of the year or last year, or it just wouldn't seem real to me.

And I wonder what your relationship is like when you're writing a song like that, knowing that the kind of human being that you are with the level of passion that you instill in your family fan base, and also the level of attention that comes with that, if that ever affects your creative process. I know you try to block it out, but does it sneak itself in?

I mean, I spent years living in fear of speaking up or saying things and I guess that's just the people pleaser in me. And there was a huge moment where I just, I just kind of stopped caring. And I can't tell you when that moment was. I really can't. But it's not that I'm trying to make it specifically about just one subject in my life. It's more just how I embody all of the experiences into one.

We spoke a little bit about some of the artists and the music that moved you when you were younger. And you mentioned some real timeless influences, Brad, Fleetwood Mac. How does a young artist or young person who loves that kind of music find themselves in this whirlwind of fast paced pop culture, where it's bright and colorful and sparkly and smiley. Those are artists that break hearts.

My mom was in theater and she, I mean, she just had this huge music library. I mean, from Ella Fitzgerald to reva McIntyre to then again going to Frank Sinatra, the eagles and all of that. My mom, rolling stones, she was very much. She's a song fan.

Oh, for sure. And I definitely get some of that from her. But then my dad was a DJ, so he he would do all kinds of stuff and he was on the radio for a bit doing to Hannah music. And so I had this experience in my life where I experienced the beautiful colors of music and where it can take you. And I think it naturally happened for me. I remember I wanted to be like paramour at one point. I thought this is by lane, I feel it. That lasted about 3 months.

We're.Big paramore fans here. Literally love her.

So I guess we should focus on that song. Look at her now. I mean that really is the, that's a moment of absolute self empowerment. You need to know who you are at that moment in time to make that song believable.

It just got weird. It just got really complicated and I started noticing that my life just became a story and it was entertainment. And I was really, I was just not OK with that because it was real and it was very real to me. That's the time I needed to just say, I'm not gonna be a part of this anymore. How am I gonna not be afraid to share what I feel? Just because I'm mad at what the world is doing, it's not really gonna get me anywhere. And everything that I do is with good intention.

I'mgonna play something right now, which I think is gonna qualify that. Now, this is good, so I'm gonna take my mics down for the purposes of edit, and then we'll reflect in a second. But this voice.

It's the best thing she's ever done. She came over, she played me the video. It's just, I'm so proud of her. She's been through so much. I've watched so much happen in her life and had a front row seat to so much. And I'm so proud of her. I'm really excited because when somebody has had great life experience, has had really tough things they've had to go through, and they can process that and make art that's gonna help other people, that's what kind of song this is. I'm stoked.

Taylor. No, that was very sweet.

You've known each other for a long time.About 13 years.

The challenge and the triumphs of sharing these things with friends. I mean, without them, where do we go? I don't know and really don't. What kind of friend has she been to you through those times?

Amazing. For sure. She was frustrated when I was frustrated. She was sad when I was sad. But more than anything, my friends stood by my side when I think they visibly saw me in so much pain. And they didn't want it for me, but they sorry.

Oh, no.

It's they never stopped loving me. And I played her the song and I played it with her mom and dad, and I showed her the video and her mom and Taylor started crying. And it wasn't because the song was emotional. It was just because the first thing they said to me was we're so happy that you're here. After seeing all of that. This is such a cool moment. And that's, that's a huge thing for me. So down to my friends back home, my family, my papa crying saying I'm I hate that you went through what you went through. It breaks my heart, but I'm so proud of you.

So this is real life stuff. So much of what you go through as a person ends up in these 3,4 minute songs and we forget to change. It takes you there and what it takes to get to a point where that piece of music matters to you enough to share it.

That's the topics I'm interested in. I have another song that's strictly about vulnerability, and that was a version of me actually having fun with it, saying I could be knocked down repeatedly, but I'm never gonna not be vulnerable. And I always say this, one of the worst moments of my life ended up being the biggest blessing that I've ever had. I was set free. And I think even from stuff that I had been.

Experiencing, to ask what that was.

I didn't but it. But here's the thing, it's not anything like we're gonna dissect. It's more my life. It's more actually working since I was 7, being away from my family, moving from Texas to here, experiencing fame, being awkward cause you're growing up and I think, I think I was scared of it and I probably hated most of it. But with that time that I've been given, I've just been able to come out on the other side and be okay. And I don't really know how other than all the work that I did, meaning friends, therapy, taking time off, going back to Texas, just enjoying what's right in front of me. I don't crave needing more. I don't need more of anything. But it's actually been great because that means I'm doing something good and all they can.

Do. You don't crave or need more of anything? Like you don't crave bit like haagen dazs. I crave.

Cravings. Whoa, if we're talking about cravings, of course, of course I do. I mean, what's the.

Ice cream flavor?

Rocky road. Stand it. Wow, you're really gonna hit me with that?

Oh, man, you gotta go for the deluxe edition with a little crunchy bits of biscuit. Nope.

Cause you can add brownies and you can add whipped cream and you can add.

Whipped cream on your ice cream.

100 do. And I'm not gonna let you judge me for that.

I'm judging. I amJudging.And I judge you for the stain on your shirt.






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