
2023-05-28 11:02:0617:07 26

all right yeah man yeah you usually

start with a track or do you like I was right in work for you um very usually

time me and the boys getting the studio and I can just go off a simple drum loop that I like yeah my process it start

from just a whole bunch of premeditated does the process of me thinking about the ideas and what I want to say mix





yeah you know and by the time I get into the studio I have to find that exact

sound that triggered the emotion or the idea that I thought about two months ago would you have more than one of those

going on at the same time like might you have six of those before you're going in the studio or do you do it one at a time

no I want to talk don't want that so the concept will come you'll sort of live

with it and let it grow in you yeah do you bake notes definitely all the time I have to make notes because a lot of my

inspiration comes from me people were going outside of the country or going around the corner to my own neighborhood

talking to a five-year-old little boy and I have to remember these things you know I have to write them down and then

five or three months later I have to find that same emotion that I felt when

I was inspired by it so I had to dig all the way deep and see what were the things that triggered the idea is it

always coming back it comes back it comes back it comes because I have kilo words that make me realize the exact

motion what drew the inspiration you yeah man definitely that makes the

process it's a working process I'm my worst critic wish you tell me about that

a little bit you're critical of your you just want to be really good yeah it's

really about me challenging myself I think my excitement indoor music is me

feeling like I'm never stagnant we feeling like

I didn't get comfortable in and you know my own skin of what I think is good or

what someone else thinks is good you know stepping outside of my comfort zone and and mastering it you know and that

excites me when I feel like I've accomplished that it just keeps the the hunger for more going like I don't feel

I can ever stop do you ever consider so when you think about the challenge to

yourself do you ever consider the listener or who's going to like the audience at all or is it more like just

self-expression I used to I used to consider the listener but now I'm in a

space where if I'm not inspired I can't really you know do the music you know I

can't feel it I think I put enough hours and work to be able to pin 100 bar verse

on the spot at any given moment but for me to actually feel an idea and concept

has to come from me and a lot of times I have to block out a lot of different

needs and wants you know just for my own selfish reasons but at the end of the

day it comes out where you know whether you like it or not you know you're gonna know it comes from a real place and it's

gonna feel I'm unapologetic I'm not compromising and it's gonna feel me has

it ever been anything that you felt like I don't want to say that on a record

like it feels like that's a great that's a great question I always said to myself

if I set it on record I never retract my statements because

it's myself expressions you can have your opinions on it you can feel a certain type of way but it's how I feel

and I can't contradict that yeah at all you know and sometimes I do come across

them with them them lines you know us as a rappers as you know we always have that another thing about it's where you know

it is controversy you know but it came from some type of integration and I have

to say I have to be vocal about it you know and you ever look back on and feel like you'd like to change any

of the any of the things that you've written or it'll be me saying I want to go deeper I should have went deeper you

know I shouldn't have held back you know but moving along I know okay you're not

going to be in the box of the sandwich you want to say and that's where I'm at now content wise do you feel like you

could talk about anything if you feel an obligation to talk about certain things I can talk about anything that's great

any I could talk about anything and this is the challenge for me being able to

talk about anything and make it connect you know to a listener with a listener

can either feel like you or feel like they understand you or you have a just a

deeper connection to the music with listen talking to a little kid and making it represent something feel like

something or saying the most brutal harsh things on record where you know

society may not want to hear no but still having that connection and that's

why I think music is about for me period

do you think about how to ask this

let's talk about how you got to this place of of doing this like what would have been inspirations along the way for

you musically lyrically or or philosophically that got you to this

stage man as a journey think first off had to be how I was raised you know and

environment we're having the the idea of my father been you know just a complete

realist just in the streets and my mother having this idea of being a

dreamer and me traveling the world and doing all these things and I'm doing

today it starts there first you know before I even heard any type of melody or lyric

that wasn't planted in me first that's just DNA you know who I am and the

things I talk about today is always the end in the game the good versus the and that's how I feel as a person eventually

that you know eventually that uh that

push me toward the music that I love to listen to you know you came from Tupac biggie Jay I mean you know your usual

suspect these were the people that was played in my household that not only I love to listen to but it kind of

complemented my DNA because these artists always had different perspectives on life in general and they

put that in their lyrics and they put that in their music and that's a kid I connected with it you know because I see

my older cousins going through the same type of feelings and emotion that these

artists are going through and as I started to write and dig into my own thing and just progressed in that same

nature you know who's that music playing in your house your choice of music was

that the music your parents were listening to how did you get exposed to it definitely my parents parents my

parents fairly young in the City of Compton and you know they were I was

basically growing up with them so the things that they play was more in you know there was the hip crowd you know so

I was being exposed to all these ideas you know from Big Daddy Kane to easy to

the Bay Area too short you 40 you know back to Marvin Gaye and Isley Brothers

up this this field of music you know just brought it you know my ideas to

come we never would have thought in a million years you know that I'd be doing it it's amazing well you know sorrow you

know my first my first ideas of how I

want to attack music today when did jazz find its way into your

world that's crazy yeah it's a trip because I was in the studio one day my guy Terrace Martin and

he noticed something about the type of sounds that I was picking in my whole

catalog for my mixtapes to my EPS to just my process of making my debut down

to where I'm at now he notices type of instruments I was picking he was like man a lot of the courts that you pick

are jazz influence you're a jazz musician by default you know the way

your cadence is rapping over certain type of snares and drums this everything

that a person on the saxophone and on the horn you know compete with how they

hear music and that's something that just opened me up and then you just start breaking down everything just the

science I've been going back to mounts Herbie Hancock I'm listening to you sport like man I like that sound what is

that you know that's a roll King oh so that's what I've been liking all these

years yeah you've been liking this for years this is this is this is in your DNA this is why you picked Surrey

instrumentals you pick so when was that moment in when you had that experience in the studio where you realized that

you liked it went around was that uh about three months until my second LP to

pimp a butterfly I was gonna say that that after hearing the first album yeah when the second album came it was

completely unexpected yeah and everybody was expecting you together yeah definitely oh and I knew I knew from the

jump that there was gonna be a challenge you know and for my listeners here but if I'm challenging myself in studio I

want to challenge you as well so I just went for flesh with a man and we build

everything from scratch yeah so do you feel like this will be this is kind of a funny thing because I'm asking you to

project the future it's impossible but do you feel like

butterflied you could what do you refer to it as butterfly to pamper butterfly okay please there's a few as a few

things maybe to pick how you'd like to call it

let's say the second album do you feel like that's more indicative of where things will be in the future or is it is

it more like that's where you are then or now and we should based on the

difference between the first album in the second album should we continue to expect it to change that's a great

question again may not possible to answer but tell me your best thoughts my best thought the past answer I can give

you that was me then not to say that it

wouldn't be a continuous or would not you know it always has some type of DNA in my music but me as a person just

knowing who I am I grow I'm like a chameleon you know and

then that is a that's a gift and a curse

for me you know what were so a gift because it never pertains me to put me

in a box and my ability to express it and still make the connection walk

wherever I go that's my high points and that's something that I pride myself on you know it's always come from organic

place beautiful it sounds like the connection you're talking about really is your connection to it more than other

people's connection to it right right I think the thing that's infectious about it and the reason other people connect

is they feel your connection to an exact you know it's not even necessarily that

like probably a lot of people who who are your fans who heard your last record might not have been that into jazz but

they feel your connection to it and it inspires them to open their selves to hear new music that they might not have

heard that is so true and a so true and you can look at a person you have a

conversation with them and you know if you know whether it's the music or who they identify themself with

from an organic place a real place and we called the consumers you know we've

been told Carla consumer is done but then they're not they know when it's real absolutely and they know if they

can fill it you know and that's something I always understood you know you're being a family so you know when I

looked at still today when I look at my certain aspirations as far as artists

when I look at Eminem and I look at Jay I felt you know this is the stories they

were telling you know whether it was fiction or not these these these ideas that they was putting down made me

believe you know any and everything that

I was saying because it just came from a space of whether realize the point was just their imagination being so strong

you know it's so heavy you know that you just get bombarded into their ideas and

that's how it comes across with you beautiful I feel like even if you don't agree with what someone is saying but if

they're saying it and you know that they believe it yeah you resonate with it on some level you don't have to agree with

it to to respect it and then appreciate it's just human expression really being

them allowing to show themselves it's a beautiful thing whether you agree with them or not exactly and I say that's a

great great point because I always I've always been heavy on vocal tone and

you know where you manipulate your voicing and things like that because

different tones when you just deal gives off different expressions you know I may wake up one morning and feel I feel like

the scenery right here or I may make wake up one morning feeling like the depths of hell you know and you may hear

that crunch and that emotion but that emotion it translate through the music

to the person I was feeling that way you know the day before or the you know when I wake up the next one and I always been

a huge huge fan of that when I hear you I don't always know it's you because you

seem to inhabit so many different characters with your voice right that it's not it's not always clear that it's

right exactly that comes from my personality and DNA and it also comes from being a complete huge fan of prints

my father was a heavy heavy still to this day Prince fan that's all he was

playing and I just set back and just like I could never tell when it was

Prince for me you know he had a fuss settle you know he had this baritone he just gave you so

many different emotions you know but I seen the way my father was always connecting with him and I studied it you

know you know alongside of lyricist study R&B I've studied soul you know to

even pop you know and eventually all these things you know gathered up to how

I connected and approach me and it's really beautiful it's a great it's a great journey Iran Fred Shannon how do

you go into the studio experience versus the live experience the difference heads yeah your your mental state go and see

those thick man that is a whole nother as a whole nother beast for me and I

Drive people record because I approach the stage my stage performers the same way I approach the studio I have to

think about it handle and know how my mannerisms are know how I'm moving you know all that is is it

has to be dead-on from you know from the hits and the licks on how we rearrange

the idea just to give the fans a new experience it's a process the same way I

sit with mixes and a mastering it's the same way I sit inside that rehearsal

room to make sure that everything is hitting on cue beautiful and talking about the musical process how involved

