School Picnic Day学校野餐日

2023-08-06 22:45:2303:45 78
My mom often tells me stories. One of her stories is about the school picnic. At that time, schools didn't have a track and field day like we have now. Instead, the biggest day for them was the School Picnic Day.The School Picnic Day was usually held on the last day of school in June. On that day, kids played simple games.No one cared who won and who lost.
Soon, before anyone knew it, it was lunchtime. Parents always packed picnic baskets for the kids. They filled them with as many good foods as they could afford.There was one family that was very poor. They hadno picnic lunch that year. When my mom noticed this, she quickly tried to figure out how to help them. She knew they would be embarrassed if she gave them something from her
own lunch basket. Just then, the teacher announced there was going to be one final race before lunch. It would be the sack race, in which io people get inside a sack and hop as fast as they
can to the finish line. The winner would receive a special lunch basket prepared by the teachers.
My mom wanted to enter this race. She waited until
she saw Mary, the oldest sister of the family, get up. She asked Mary if she could be her partner, and Mary agreed.My mom had never been good at races, but as she put her legs into that sack with Mary, she told herself, "You can do it. You have to win!"If you can keep standing, hopping and moving forward, you have a good chance. Most kids usually fall down right away,but this time my mom hopped in time with Mary. They pulled out in front and never looked back. Their classmates were cheering. Later, Mary came and thanked my mom for being her partner. She said that her brothers and sisters really enjoyed their picnic lunch. Then, she handed my mom a sandwich. The two girls
sat together in the warm sun, eating the last two sandwiches. According to Mom, it was the best school picnic in the whole world.





Rotten School






School Dinner

