
1. pitch in 一起帮忙,一起负担 

Joey要去买彩票,朋友们都想买,Rachel提议说Why don't we all pitch in 50 bucks. 

pitch in 一起帮忙,做出贡献 (to join in and help someone with something).

例句:If you could pitch in a little we'd be finished quicker.

 pitch in还有其他的意思:

例句: When they took up a collection for the annual dinner, he promised to pitch in.

例句: Please pitch your waste paper in here

例句: As soon as the food was put on the table, all the children pitched in without waiting to be invited.

Phoebe: Hey will you get me tickets too?

Rachel: Yeah me too. oh! I have an idea. Why don't we all pitch in 50 bucks, we'll pool our money together and then if we win, we'll split it!

Everyone almost simultaneously except Ross: yeah thats a great idea!

Ross: No thanks!

Phoebe: You don't wanna win the lottery?

Ross: (in a mocking voice)Uh...sure I do, and I also wanna be King of my own country and find out what happened to Amelia Earhart.

2. see spots 眼前冒金星

Ross上气不接下气地冲进来告诉Monica她的车被拖了,结果不是Monica的车. Ross喘着气说I am seeing spots. 

see spots 眼前冒金星

Ross: (yelling to Monica)They're towing your car, they're towing your car!!

Monica: I'm parked in a garage on Morton!

Ross: (panting)They're towing a car. And I am seeing...spots.

3. low-yield 低产出的,低当量的

Ross说自己如果中了奖就把奖金投入low-yield bond 低息债券

low-yield 低产出的,低当量的

low yield bond 低息债券

low-yield nuclear weapon 低当量核武器

Rachel: All right, believe me.If you win the lottery, it's the last you're gonna hear from us!

Monica: Fine! Don't be my friends! I'll buy new friends! Yeah, and then I'll pay for their plastic surgery so they'd look just like you!

Rachel: (surprised) OH! Alright, you know what? That's it! I want my share of the tickets (picks up the bowl)!

Joey: Yeah, I want my tickets too (takes the bowl from Rachel)! And I'm buying the Knicks! And Steffi Graff, ah ah!

Ross: Than I want mine, too (takes the bowl from Joey)! And if I win I'm gonna put it all into a very low-yield bond.

Phoebe: Oh, you guys! We've got to keep all the tickets together (takes the bowl from Ross and puts it on the table)

Monica: No, no! We should divide them up (picks up the bowl) and I should get extra because we used my card to buy them!

4. put an end to sth 结束某事

Phoebe受不了朋友们为了彩票争吵,就把彩票抢过来威胁说要从阳台上丢下去,她大喊道I am putting an end to this. 

 put an end to sth 使某事结束

例句:Drew put an end to his coworker's good mood by complaining about her being too loud. 


Phoebe: OOOOOHHHHH! (she stops) Fine, I can't take it anymore! I'm putting an end to this! (she goes out to the balcony)

Rachel: Oh, if she jumps, I get her tickets.

Joey: No, no! 

Phoebe: If we are not doing it together, we're not doing it at all! So, say goodbye to your tickets! 

5. double check 重新再检查一次

众人检查自己的奖券发现都没有获奖,Monica不死心还要double check

double check 重新再检查一次,美国人常用这个而不是check again

Joey: (checking the last ticket) Damnit! anybody got anything?

Chandler: No.

Phoebe: I'm still looking through mine...

Monica: Just double checking (does so)...no, no, no...No!

6. beg to differ 不敢苟同

当Joey说nobody won的时候,Phoebe说I beg to differ. 

beg to differ  不敢苟同,一种礼貌的方式表达不同的看法

Joey: (sitting in a chair) Hey guys, so I just called the Powerball hotline, can you believe it? Nobody won.

PhoebeI beg to differ

Gunther: Maybe nobody won the jackpot, but there was this guy in here earlier, and he found the ticket on the street, right outside, and won $10,000.

Phoebe: (hides her mouth behind the cup and speaks in the "pigeon voice" from before) Coo, again. Don't blame the pretty lady. It was not her fault. It was me, the pigeon, coo! (pause) Seriously, stop staring at her.


涨知识了我前两天跟着俄罗斯的一个交响乐团巡演,只能用蹩脚的英语交流,俄语就会说siba siba, 原来还知道一个gleba




Andy的美语世界 回复 @一刀骑士

涨知识了我前两天跟着俄罗斯的一个交响乐团巡演,只能用蹩脚的英语交流,俄语就会说siba siba, 原来还知道一个gleba



简介:美剧挚爱 英语教师 旅游达人 文化使者