U3 Part2 A exercise

2023-10-12 20:48:5100:59 294
所属专辑:Listen This Way+BUZ E

Part 2. A

  Large numbers of villages have been completely cut off. The official said the death toll could reach

2 000. The Indian army has been called in to help the relief effort. From Deli. Here is David Willis.

     The storm with winds of up to 75 miles an hour struck India’s southeast coast, flattening homes, destroying crops and cutting transport links. Eyewitnesses reported tidal waves more than 12 feet high. The storm was followed by torrential rains, which swept away roads and railway lines, and flooded low-lying areas. More than 40 people are thought to have died when a ferry sank. But most of the deaths have been due to flooding, houses collapsing or electrocutions. More than 100 000 people have been evacuated from their homes and are taking shelter in relief camps. After surveying the flooded area by helicopter, the chief minister said it resembled a burial ground. He’s appealed to the federal government to treat the incident as a national calamity. David Willis.

