06 Stormy years in France(8)

2024-04-06 20:49:5201:00 3.4万

  The living sea of angry people ran through Saint Antoine to the Bastille, and soon the hated prison was ringing with the noise of battle. Fire and smoke climbed up the high stone walls and the thunder of the guns echoed through the city.
  Four terrible and violent hours. Then a white flag appeared above the walls and the gates were opened. The Bastille had been taken by the people of Paris!Soon the crowds were inside the building itself, and shouting'Free the prisoners!'But Defarge put his strong hand on the shoulder of one of the soldiers.
  'Show me the North Tower. Take me to One Hundred and Five, North Tower!Quickly!'





感谢提供音频,这英音很好听,请问7-13的音频还能提供吗?Thanks in advance!


The living sea of angry people ran through Saint Antoine to the Bastille, and soon the hated prison was ringing with the noise of battle. Fire and smoke climbed up the high stone walls and the thunder of the guns echoed through the city.
