Unit-06 Part 7

2023-11-27 18:39:27134
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Pickering:Jove! Good heavens!

Lady A:Oh, sir. Is there any sign of it stopping?

Pickering:I’m afraid not. It’s worse than before.

Lady A:Oh, dear.

Flower girl:If it’s worse, it’s a sign it’s nearly over. Cheer up, captain. Buya flower off a poor girl?

Pickering:I’m sorry. I haven’t any change.

Flower girl:Oh, I can change half a crown. Here, take this for tuppence.

Pickering:I told you, I’m awfully sorry. I haven’t…Oh, wait a minute.Oh, yes. Here’s three pence, if that’s any use to you.

Flower girl:Thank you, Sir.

Man A:Hey, you, be careful. Better give him a flower for it. There’s abloke here behind that pillar, taking down every blessed word you’re saying.

Flower girl:I ain’t done nothing wrong by speaking to the gentleman. I’ve a right to sell flowers if I keep off the curb. I’m a respectable girl, so help me. I never spoke to him except to ask him to buy a flower off me!

Man B:Oh, don’t start!

Man C:What’s all the blooming noise?

Man D:There’s a“tec”taking her down.

Flower girl:Well, I’m making an honest living!

Man E:Who’s doing all that shouting?

Lady B:Where’s it coming from?

Man E:I don’t know.

Flower girl:Oh, sir. Don’t let him charge me! You don’t know what it means to me! They’ll…They’ll take away me character and drive me on the streets for…for speaking to gentlemen!

Higgins:There, there, there, there. Who’s hurting you, you silly girl? What do you take me for?

Flower girl:On my Bible oath, I never spoke a word.

Higgins: Oh, shut up, shut up. Do I look like a policeman?

Flower girl:Then what do you take down me words for? How do I know you took me down right? You just show me what you wrote about me. Oh. What’s that? That ain’t proper writing. I can’t read it.

Higgins:I can. I say, captain, now buy you a flower off a poor girl.

Flower girl: Oh, it’s cause I called him“captain”. I meant no harm. Oh, sir. Don’t let him lay a charge against me for a word like that!

Pickering:Charge? I’ll make no charge. Really, sir. If you are a detective, you needn’t begin protecting me against molestation from young women until I ask you. Anyone can tell the girl meant no harm.

Man G:He ain’t no“tec”. He’s a gentleman. Look at his boots.

Higgins:How are all your people down at Selsey?

Man G:Who told you my people come from Selsey?

Higgins:Never mind. They do. How do you come to be up so far east? You were born in Lisson Grove.

Flower girl: Oh. What harm is there in my leaving Lisson Grove? It weren’t fit for a pig to live in and I had to pay four and six a week.

Higgins:Oh, live where you like, but stop that noise.

Pickering:Come, come. He can’t touch you. You have a right to live where you please.

Flower girl:I’m a good girl, I am!

Pickering: Yes, dear. Yes.

Man C:Where do I come from?


Man C:Well, who said I didn’t? Blimey, you know everything, you do.

Lady A:You, sir. Do you think you could find me a taxi?

Higgins:I don’t know whether you’ve noticed it, madam, but it’s stopped raining. You can get a motorbus to, uh, Hampton Court. Well, that’s where you live, isn’t it?

Lady A:What impertinence!

Man A:Hey, uh, tell him where he comes here, you want to go fortune telling.

Higgins:Cheltenham, Harrow, Cambridge and, uh, India?

Pickering: Quite right!

Man A:Blimey, he ain’t a“tec”. He’s a blooming busybody. That’s what he is.

Pickering: If I may ask, sir, do you do this sort of thing for a living at a music hall?

Higgins:Well, I have thought of it. Perhaps I will one day.

Flower girl:He’s no gentleman. He ain’t, to interfere with a poor girl!

Pickering:How do you do it, may I ask?

Higgins:Simple phonetics. The science of speech. That’s my profession. Also my hobby. Anyone can spot an Irishman or Yorkshireman by his brogue, but I can place a man within six miles. I can place him within two miles in London. Sometimes within two streets.

Flower girl:He ought to be ashamed of himself, unmanly coward!

Pickering:Is there a living in that?

Higgins:Oh, yes. Quite a fat one.

Flower girl:Let him mind his own business and leave a poor girl alone…

Higgins:Woman! Cease this detestable“boohooing”instantly…or else seek the shelter of some other place of worship.

Flower girl:I’ve a right to be here if I like, same as you.

Higgins:A woman who utters such disgusting and depressing noise has no right to be anywhere, no right to live. Remember that you’re a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech, that your native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and the Bible. Don’t sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon.

Flower girl:Oh!

Higgins:You see this creature with her curbstone English, the English that’ll keep her in the gutter till the end of her days? Well, sir. In six months, I could pass her off as a duchess at an Embassy ball. I could even get her a job as a lady’s maid or a shop assistant, which requires better English.

Flower girl:Here, what’s that you say?

Higgins:Yes, you squashed cabbage leaf; you disgrace to the noble architecture of these columns; you incarnate insult to the English language. I could pass you off as, uh, the Queen of Sheba.

Flower girl: Oh! You don’t believe that, captain?

Pickering: Anything’s possible. I, myself, am a student of Indian dialects.

Higgins:Are you? Do you know Colonel Pickering, the author of Spoken Sanskrit?

Pickering: I am Colonel Pickering. Who are you?

Higgins:I’m Henry Higgins, author of Higgins’Universal Alphabet.

Pickering: I came from India to meet you.

Higgins:I was going to India to meet you!

Pickering: Higgins!










