第2088期:Sleeping on the job

2024-02-05 08:00:0005:41 5522

Rob  Finn? …Hello Finn?


Finn Oh sorry Rob, you caught me napping. It's that time of day when I need to nod off – or in other words, fall asleep.

芬恩: 哦,对不起,罗布,你发现我在打瞌睡。 一天中的这个时候我需要打瞌睡,或者换句话说,需要入睡。

Rob Well, sleeping on the job – or sleeping at work - is no bad thing – and I hope today's programme will wake you up to the idea that sleeping in the workplace might be a good thing.

罗布: 好吧,在工作中睡觉——或者说在工作中睡觉——并不是坏事——我希望今天的节目能让你意识到,在工作场所睡觉可能是一件好事。

Finn Oh really! That's good to hear. I would have thought that sleeping at work was against the rules.

芬恩: 哦真的吗! 听起来还不错。 我本以为在工作时睡觉是违反规定的。

Rob: Not in every office, Finn, and I'll tell you why soon as well as explaining some sleep-related vocabulary. But now you're wide awake, how about a question?

罗布: 芬恩,并非每个办公室都如此,我会尽快告诉你原因,并解释一些与睡眠相关的词汇。 但现在你已经完全清醒了,有个问题怎么样?

Finn OK, let's hear it.


Rob When the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, was in power, she did her job with very little sleep. Do you know how many hours of sleep she is said to have had each night?

罗布: 当英国前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔掌权时,她几乎不睡觉就完成工作。 你知道她每晚睡几个小时吗?

a)    Three hours 三小时

b)    Four hours 四小时

c)    Five hours 五小时

Finn I always thought she got by, she managed her job, with just four hours of sleep a night.

芬恩: 我一直以为她能过得很好,她能完成自己的工作,每晚只睡四个小时。

Rob Not much, is it? We'll find out if you are right or wrong later. I'm not sure if she chose not to sleep for long or she just wasn't able to sleep for long. Someone who can't sleep is called an insomniac.  

罗布: 不多,是吗? 我们稍后会知道你是对还是错。 我不确定她是否选择不睡太久,或者她只是无法睡太久。 无法入睡的人被称为失眠症患者。

Finn And I'm certainly not an insomniac. I enjoy sleeping all night and some of the day too. And Rob, you said napping during the day is a good thing?

芬恩: 我当然不是一个失眠症患者。 我喜欢整夜睡觉,白天也喜欢睡觉。 罗布,你说白天小睡是件好事吗?

Rob It's always nice to have a short sleep – or what I call 40 winks – during the day, but when you're at work this can be a problem.  In some companies, like Google and the Huffington Post, workplace naps are positively encouraged. They're seen as a way to make staff more productive.

罗布: 白天短暂的睡眠(或者我所说的 40 次眨眼)总是好的,但当你在工作时,这可能会成为一个问题。 在谷歌和《赫芬顿邮报》等一些公司,积极鼓励在工作场所小睡。 它们被视为提高员工工作效率的一种方式。

Finn So you mean they work harder and are more creative because a power-nap – a quick sleep – makes workers feel refreshed and more alert. I like the sound of this!

芬恩: 所以你的意思是说,他们工作更努力,更有创造力,因为小睡——快速睡眠——让员工感到精神焕发、更加警觉。 我喜欢这个声音!

Rob An Australian health writer called Thea O'Connor, is a founder of a campaign called Nap Now which is trying to make sleeping at work more acceptable.  She calls herself a 'naptivist'! Let's hear from her now. What does she say is stopping us from doing this?

罗布: 澳大利亚健康作家西娅·奥康纳 (Thea O'Connor) 是一项名为“Nap Now”的运动的创始人,该运动旨在让人们更容易接受在工作时睡觉。 她称自己为“Naptist”! 现在让我们听听她的消息。 她说了什么阻止我们这样做?

I think that our culture is a bit crazy not to embrace it, and one of the reasons we don't is our attitude, you know it's quite counter-cultural to do nothing in order to get ahead. I just really see that it's time to disrupt the prevailing work ethic which is all about work longer and harder.

我认为我们的文化不接受它有点疯狂,我们不接受它的原因之一是我们的态度,你知道为了取得成功而不采取任何行动是相当反文化的。 我真的认为是时候打破普遍的工作观念了,这种工作观念就是工作时间更长、更努力。

Finn: Right, so she wants us to embrace – to accept – the idea of a workplace power-nap. But it is our attitude – the way we think about work – that stops society from accepting this.

芬恩: 是的,所以她希望我们接受——接受——工作场所小睡的想法。 但正是我们的态度——我们思考工作的方式——阻止了社会接受这一点。

Rob Yes, she explains that it is counter-cultural – so going against the normal way of thinking – to actually do nothing and have a snooze.

罗布: 是的,她解释说,实际上什么都不做,打个盹是反文化的——因此违背了正常的思维方式。

Finn That's why she is trying to change – or disrupt – our current work ethic of working longer and harder. She believes this doesn't necessarily bring better results. But Rob, is this idea just a fad – something that's popular for a short while?

芬恩: 这就是为什么她试图改变——或者说颠覆——我们目前工作时间更长、更努力的工作理念。 她认为这并不一定会带来更好的结果。 但是罗布,这个想法只是一种时尚——只是流行了一时的东西吗?

Rob Maybe, but research has certainly shown that good quantity and quality of sleep is important for our wellbeing. A few years ago research by the East of England Development Agency found 30% of people have their best ideas in bed compared to just 11% who have them at their desk. It called for companies to install beds in the workplace.

罗布: 也许吧,但研究确实表明,良好的睡眠时间和质量对我们的健康很重要。 几年前,英格兰东部发展署的一项研究发现,30% 的人将自己最好的想法放在床上,而只有 11% 的人把这些想法放在办公桌上。 它呼吁公司在工作场所安装床。

Finn Well, there aren't any in our office yet Rob. I think putting beds or areas for naps in the office would help us workers feel more able to rest and recharge our minds.

芬恩: 好吧,我们办公室还没有人,罗布。 我认为在办公室里放置床或小憩区可以帮助我们的员工感觉更容易休息和恢复精力。

Rob An alternative idea would be to change our working hours. The UK's Sleep Council claims the nine-to-five work culture does not fit into the natural sleeping pattern of the human race and bosses need to introduce a more sleep-friendly working day.

罗布: 另一种想法是改变我们的工作时间。 英国睡眠委员会声称,朝九晚五的工作文化不符合人类的自然睡眠模式,老板们需要引入更有利于睡眠的工作日。

Finn That sounds like a siesta to me - a short period of sleep in the middle of the day that people in warm places like Spain often have.

芬恩: 对我来说,这听起来像是午睡——在西班牙等温暖地区的人们经常在中午休息一段时间。

Rob: My problem with a siesta is that if I have a sleep in the afternoon I'd never wake up!

罗布: 我午睡的问题是,如果我下午睡一觉,我就永远不会醒来!

Finn Well before you nod off now Rob, could you please tell me the answer to today's question.

芬恩: 罗布,在你打瞌睡之前,请你告诉我今天问题的答案。

Rob Yes. I asked you if you knew how many hours of sleep the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, is said to have had each night?  Three, four or five hours?

罗布:是的。 我问你是否知道英国前首相撒切尔夫人据说每晚睡几个小时? 三、四、五个小时?

Finn I said four hours Rob.


Rob You are right. It has often been said she needed just four hours of sleep – only on weekdays, not weekends. Well before you have another power-nap, could you remind us of some of the vocabulary we've heard today:

罗布: 你是对的。 人们常说她只需要四个小时的睡眠——只在工作日,而不是周末。 在您再次小睡之前,您能否提醒我们今天听到的一些词汇:

Finn Yes, we heard:




nod off


sleeping on the job




40 winks










work ethic








Rob Thanks. We hope you've enjoyed today's programme.

罗布: 谢谢。我们希望你喜欢今天的节目。












