清醒的活 第11节 完整播读

2024-01-30 08:18:2011:28 48
所属专辑:Jolie 专属时刻

Day 11
Thoughts can stop, and they can also get extremely noisy. Sometimes you have many more thoughts than other times. You may even tell someone, My mind is driving me crazy. Ever since he said shame things to me, I can't even sleep. My mind just won't shut up." Whose mind? Who is noticing these thoughts? Isn't it you? Don't you hear your thoughts inside? Aren't you aware of their existence? In fact, can't you get rid of them? If you start to have a thought you don't like, can't you try to make it go away? People struggle with thoughts all the time. Who is it that is aware of the thoughts, and who is it that struggles with them? Again, you have a subject-object relationship with your thoughts. You are the subject, and thoughts are just another object you can be aware of. You are not your thoughts. You are simply aware of your thoughts. Finally you say,
思想可以停止,也可以交得非常嘈杂。有时候你会比其他时候拥有更多的想法。你甚至可能对别人说:“我的脑子快把我逼疯了。自从它对我说了那些话以后,我甚至都睡不着觉。我的脑子就是不肯闭嘴。”对你喋喋不休的是谁的脑子?又是谁在关注这些想法? 难道不是你吗?难道你没听到你内心的想法吗?难道你没觉知到它们的存在吗?事实上,难道你不能摆脱它们吗?加果你开始产生一个你不喜欢的念头,你就不能试着让它消失吗?人们总是在与各种想法做斗争。但是,觉知这些想法的是谁?与它们做斗争的又是谁?你与你的思想之间其实也具有一种主客体关系。你是主体,而思想只是你能觉知的又一个客体罢了。你并不是你的思想本身,你只是觉知了你的思想而已。最后你说:
"Fine, I'm not anything in the outside world and I'm not emotions. These outer and inner objects come and go and I experience them. Plus, I'm not the thoughts. They can be quiet or noisy, happy or sad. Thoughts are just something else I'm aware of. But who am I?"

It starts to become a serious question: "Who am I? Who is having all these physical, emotional, and mental experiences?" So you contemplate this question a little deeper. This is done by letting go of the experiences and noticing who is left. You will begin to notice who is experiencing the experience. Eventually, you will get to a point within yourself where you realize that you, the experiencer, have a certain quality. And that quality is awareness, consciousness, an intuitive有直觉
的 sense of existence. You know that you're in there. You don't have to think about it; you just know. You can think about it if you want to, but you will know that you're thinking about it. You exist regardless, thoughts or no thoughts.
To make this more experiential, let's try a consciousness experiment. Notice that with a single glance at a room, or out a window, you instantaneously see the full detail of everything that's in front of you. You are effortlessly aware of all the objects that are within the scope of your vision, both near and far away. Without moving your head or eyes, you perceive all the intricate detail of what you immediately see. Look at all the colors, the variations of light, the grain of wood furniture, the architecture of buildings, and the variations of bark and leaves on trees. Notice that you take all this in at once, without having to think about it. No thoughts are necessary; you just see it. Now try to use thoughts to isolate, label, and describe all the intricate错综复杂的 detail of what you see. How long would it take your mental voice to describe all that detail to you, versus the instantaneous snapshot of consciousness just seeing? When you just look without creating thoughts, your consciousness is effortlessly aware of, and fully comprehends, all that it sees.
Consciousness is the highest word you will ever utter. There is nothing higher or deeper than consciousness. Consciousness is pure awareness. But what is awareness? Let's try another experiment. Let's say you are in a room looking at a group of people and a piano. Now make believe the piano ceases to exist in your world. Would you have a major problem with that? You say, "No, I don't think so. I'm not attached to pianos." Okay then, make believe the people in the room cease to exist. Are you still okay? Can you handle it? You say, "Sure, I like being alone. "Now make believe your awareness doesn't exist. Just turn it off. How are you doing now?
意识是你能说出的最高词汇。没有什么比意识更高、更根本。意识是纯粹的觉知。但是什么是觉知?让我们试着做另一个意识实验。假设你正在一个房问里看着一群人和一架钢琴,现在,想像钢琴不再存在于这不房间。你会对此有什么不满吧?你说:“不,我想不会。我并不喜欢钢琴。”那么假设房间里的人都不存在了,此时,你是否依然没有意见?你能应对这一状况吗?你说。“当然,我落欢独处。” 现在,假设你的觉知不存在了,你现在觉得如何?
What would it be like if your awareness didn't exist? It's actually pretty simple-you wouldn't be there. There would be no sense of "me." There wouldn't be anyone in there to say, "Wow, I used to be in here but now I'm not." There would no longer be an awareness of being. And without awareness of being, or consciousness, there is nothing. Are there objects? Who knows? If no one is aware of the objects, their existence or nonexistence becomes completely irrelevant. 不相干的 It doesn't matter how many things are in front of you; if you turn off the consciousness, there is nothing. If you are conscious, however, there can be nothing in front of you but you are fully aware that there is nothing. It's really not that complicated, and it's very enlightening.
So now if I ask you, "Who are you?" you answer,
"I am the one who sees. From back in here somewhere, I look
out, and I am aware of the events, thoughts, and emotions that pass before me."

因此,如果我现在问你:“你是谁?” 你会回答:
If you go very deep, that is where you live. You live in the seat of consciousness. A true spiritual being lives there, without effort and without intent. Just as you effortlessly look outside and see all that you see, you will eventually sit far enough back inside to see all thoughts and emotions, as well as outer form. All of these objects are in front of you. The thoughts are closer in, the emotions are a little further away, and form is way out there. Behind it all, there you are. You go so deep that you realize that's where you've always been. At each stage of your life you have seen different thoughts, emotions, and objects pass before you. But you have always been the conscious receiver of all that was.
Now you are in your center of consciousness. You are behind every- thing, just watching. That is your true home. Take everything else away and you're still there, aware that everything is gone. But take the center of awareness away, and there is nothing. That center is the seat of Self. From that seat, you are aware that there are thoughts, emotions, and a world coming in through your senses. But now you are aware that you're aware. That is the seat of the Buddhist Self', the Hindu Atman2, and the Judeo-Christian Soul. The great mystery begins once you take that seat deep within.





















