Clark the shark 2

2024-03-07 07:02:4606:09 73

One day Clark asked Mrs. Inkydink: what's wrong with everyone. (大家都怎么了?)Mrs. Inkydink patted his fin. Clark, sometimes you play too hard, you munch to hard and gosh, you even help to hard. But life is so exciting, said Clark. There's a time and a place for everything,

(什么时候儿办什么事儿。)said Mrs. Inkydink, and sometimes the rule is stay cool.(有的时候呀,规则只有一条,保持安静 (轻声慢步)。)


At recess, Clark tried to stay cool, but he pushed the swing with too much zing. Sorry, said Clark. I forgot. Yes, Cried Joey.


At lunch, Clark tried to stay cool, but everything smells so good that he munched a bunch of lunches. Sorry, said Clark. I forgot. We are starving, said his friends.


In class, Clark tried to stay cool, but a good book got him all shook up. Now Clark, said Mrs. Inkydink, this isn't the time or the place, tell me what's the rule? Stay cool, said Clark. Hey, that rhymes he cried.


Then Clark got a big idea in his shaky head. Maybe if I make a rhythm, I‘ll remember every time he thought.  The next day he put his plan to work.


In class, when lessons got exciting, Clark wanted to bounce up out of his seat. Instead, he told himself when teacher‘s talking don't go walking. And what do you know, it worked.  Attaboy Clark said Mrs. Inkydink. Clark smiled. Lessons are fun.

上课的时候,老师讲到精彩之处,Clark想从他的椅子上蹦起来,但是他告诉自己,老师说话时候别瞎溜达。然后你知道怎么了吗?管用了,章鱼老师说,哦,好孩子,Clark. Clark向老师说,这个课很有意思。

At lunch, everything smelled so yummy. When Clark wanted to eat and eat and never stop, he told himself: only munch your own lunch and it worked again. Way to go Clark, said his friends. Clark grinned. Lunch is fun.


At playtime, Clark told himself, easy does it, that's the way. then my friends will let me play. And playtime was fun once more. Clock loved his life.

自由活动时间到了, Clark告诉自己,悠着点儿,慢着点儿,这样我的朋友才让我和他们一起玩儿。玩儿的时间真好呀,他的顺口溜又一次管用了。Clark喜欢他的生活。




