Florida students vote for green new deal

2024-03-08 13:10:4402:03 30

Florida students vote for green new deal

The entrance to the university.

On 20 February, the student government at the University of Florida, in the US, voted to pass a “green new deal”. These are rules to tackle climate change and were suggested by the Youth Action Fund, a group that supports climate activists.

Under the new deal, one of the aims is to reduce how much greenhouse gas is released from the university campus (grounds). Greenhouse gases trap the Sun’s heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing climate change. Solutions include reducing the use of cars on campus and making sure that the university doesn’t accept money from companies that produce fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas.

Other universities in the US, including ones in New York and California, have introduced similar measures and there have been calls for more Florida universities to follow. This deal is important because the current governor (political leader) of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has said he wants the US to pull out of international agreements to fight climate change.

The university’s leaders must now approve the deal, and they will vote on 7 March. Cameron Driggers, head of the Youth Action Fund, called it “a momentous milestone for the climate movement”.

The Week Junior 2 March 2024 

