《简·爱》(英文版)Part 5 Chapter 73

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Chapter 73 Finding Shelter
Now the brilliantness still goes on.
Jane Eyre ,by English writer,Charlotte Brontte
Part 5 A Woman At Moor House
Chapter 73 Finding shelter
I was put down at Whitcross, a crossroads on the moor, after traveling for two days in the coach. As it rolled away, I realized I had left my parcel inside, and given the coachman all the coins in my purse. I was alone on the open moor ,with no money or possessions. Lonely white roads stretched across the great,wide moors as far as the hills. I was glad to see there were no towns here because l did not want people to question me or pity me. So I walked across the moor, until I found a dry place to sleep, in the shelter of a small hill. Luckily it was a warm night,with no rain. The next day was hot and sunny, but I needed food and water, so I could not stay on the moor.
Taking one of the white roads,I eventually found a small village. I needed all my courage to knock on some of the doors, asking if there was any paid work I could do. None of the village people could help me, and I could not bring myself to beg for food, although by now I felt weak and faint. At the baker’s ,I offered to exchange my leather gloves for a small cake, but the baker’s wife looked at my dirty clothes and said,“ I'm sorry, but how do I know you haven’t stolen them?” All I ate that day was a piece of bread,which I begged from a farmer eating his supper. I spend another night on the moor,but this time the air was cold and the ground was damp. Next day I walked from house to house again, looking in vain for work. I was now very weak from lock of food, and I began to wonder why I should struggle to stay alive, when I did not want to live.
It was getting dark again ,and I was alone on the moor. In the distance I could see a faint light, and l decided to try to reach it . The wind and rain beat down on me, and I fell down several times, but finally I arrived at a long, low house,standing rather isolated in the middle of moor. Hiding near the door,l could just see into the kitchen through a small uncurtained window. There was an elderly woman, who might be the housekeeper, mending clothes, and two young ladies,who seemed to be learning a language with dictionaries. The kitchen looked so clean and bright ,and the ladies so kind and sensible, that l dared to knock at the door. The elderly woman opened it, but she must have thought I was a thief or a beggar, because she refused to let me speak to the young ladies. The door closed the firmly,shutting me out from the warmth inside.
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Part 5 在摩尔屋
Chapter 73 寻找栖身地
我沿着一条白茫茫的路走着,终于找到一个小村子。我鼓起自己所有的勇气,敲响了一些人家的门,打听是否有什么能挣钱的活可干。村里没人能帮助我,而且尽管我感到虚弱头晕,却不能让自己去乞讨。在面包店,我想用皮手套换一小块点心,但面包师的妻子却看着我的脏衣服说:“对不起,可我怎么知道这不是你偷的呢?” 一整天我只吃了一片面包,是从一个正吃晚饭的农民那儿讨来的。我在沼泽地上又过了一夜,但这夜天凉了,地上湿乎乎的。第二天我又挨家挨户的去找工作,一无所获。现在我因为没有食物,已变得非常虚弱,不想活了时开始纳闷自己为什么还拼命地要活着。











简爱 英文版 Jane•Eyre



简·爱(英文版)Jane Eyre



简.爱|英文版 听读原著



《简 · 爱》(英文版)

