Prioritize Yourself After a Layoff

2024-04-12 08:30:0001:03 89



Prioritize Yourself After a Layoff

Being laid off is a painful experience. But even through the difficult emotions, you have the autonomy to shape a positive experience and outlook. Before you can redirect your career and focus on the future, you need to first prioritize self-care in the present. This means creating a predictable routine, which will give your weeks much-needed structure and focus. Make sure that routine isn’t built entirely around finding a new job; you also need to invest in your physical and mental well-being—perhaps by setting aside some daily time for exercise and meditation. If you find yourself feeling down or overwhelmed, take a break and shift your focus to others. See if you can help someone else, even if it’s simply by reaching out to ask how someone is doing. Finally, focus on building community and relationships. It’s easy to forget that you’re not alone. Over the years, you’ve built countless meaningful connections and you’ve been there for people. Lean on those relationships—and make an effort to build new ones that will nourish you. Prioritizing yourself in this challenging time will remind you that your career does not—and never did—define you.

