
2024-04-09 21:47:4821:28 139


注意事项:英语听力共两节,共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分。


第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)



例:How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £9. 15.


1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Strangers.

B. Schoolmates.

C. Roommates.

2. What will the speakers do next?

A. Go to the supermarket.

B. Drive home.

C. Make a list.

3. What is the man doing?

A. Riding a bike.

B. Driving a car.

C. Checking a motorbike.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a cleaner's room.

B. In a bookshop.

C. In a school.

5. How many times was Philip told his dinner was ready?

A. Three.

B. Two.

C. One.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)



6. What has the weather been like recently?

A. Cloudy.

B. Rainy.

C. Sunny.

7. What is the man's advice for the woman?

A. Buying a new phone.

B. Taking an umbrella.

C. Traveling by car.


8. What happened to the woman's story?

A. It was copied.

B. It was lost.

C. It was stolen.

9. Why is the woman advised to eat something?

A. To avoid her misfortune.

B. To cheer herself up.

C. To kill her time.


10. When will the man graduate?

A. This week.

B. In a year.

C. In three months.

11. What does the woman suggest the man do before graduation?

A. Borrow some money.

B. Get a part-time job.

C. Keep studying

12. What has the woman started doing?

A. Looking for full-time jobs.

B. Working as a teacher.

C. Applying for jobs.


13. What is the man doing?

A. Preparing for a meeting.

B. Exercising.

C. Cooking.

14. How does the woman sound at the man's weight loss?

A. Serious.

B. Surprised.

C. Happy.

15. How does the man get to work now?

A. By train.

B. By bus.

C. By bike.

16. What will the man do to help the woman?

A. Make salads for her.

B. Go jogging with her.

C. Lend a book to her.


17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. His feeling after receiving an award.

B. His experience about traveling around.

C. His preference for different music types.

18. Where is the speaker from?

A. Ireland.

B. Scotland.

C. England.

19. What did the speaker most recently announce to the public?

A. A single song.

B. A three-song collection. C. A twelve-song collection.

20. Who will speak next?

A. A young musician.

B. One fan of the speaker's. C. The host of the ceremony. 


第一部分  听力


1. B     2. B     3. A     4. C     5. A


6. A      7. B     8. B     9. B    10. C

11. B12. A13. C14. B15. C

16. C17. A18. C19. A20. C



Text 1

W: Have you found a roommate to share your apartment?

M: Not yet.

W: I heard Kevin is looking for an apartment near our school.

M: Thanks. I’ll talk to him. (1)

Text 2

M: Before leaving the supermarket, make sure you’ve got everything you want.

W: Yes, I have bought all the things on the shopping list.

M: Great! Wait for me to get the car. We can go home now. (2)

Text 3

W: Oh, you look not skilled on that thing. Do you think it was wise of us to hire bicycles?

M: Don’t worry. I passed my test on a motorbike.

W: But it was years ago. You’ve been driving all the time and never ride a bike. (3)

Text 4

M: These books belong to school, but now they are ruined by you.

W: I’m sorry, Mr. Mason. I suppose the man at the shop didn’t pack my food properly before I put them in my schoolbag.

M: You should have checked them then. Now just send for the cleaner. (4)

Text 5

M: Why didn’t someone say my dinner was ready? It’s almost gone cold.

W: Philip, I told you it was ready before you went upstairs. Then I sent your sister to tell you, and also Dad shouted up to you five minutes ago. (5)

Text 6

W: I wonder if I’ll need my umbrella today. (7)

M: Yeah, it doesn’t look very nice out there, does it?

W: True. But it’s been cloudy like this for days, yet it’s stayed dry. (6)

M: What does the weather report say?

W: Not much. I asked my phone’s virtual assistant, but it just said, “It may rain today.   There’s a 51% chance at 10:00 a.m.”

M: Very helpful!

W: I know! It might as well say, “Your guess is as good as mine!”

M: Ha-ha! You’d better take one anyway. Better to be prepared. (7)

W: Good point. And I guess I can take my travel umbrella. It’s small.

Text 7

W: I can’t believe it. I’ve lost my whole story. (8)

M: What’s happened?

W: All of a sudden, my screen went black. When it came back on, there was nothing there. I spent all morning writing that story. (8)

M: Did you save it as you went along?

W: I thought I did, but the computer saves things itself, doesn’t it?

M: I don’t trust that. Have a look to see if there’s a copy on your back-up.

W: There’s nothing there. I checked.

M: Oh dear.

W: Well, that’s it. A whole morning has been wasted. I’ll just have to do the whole thing again.

M: How annoying! It has happened to me before. Come on. Let’s go to lunch. You might feel better after eating something. (9)

W: OK. I have no better choice. (9)

Text 8

M: I really do need some money. I never seem to have anything these days.

W: Have you ever thought about getting a job? (11)

M: Not until my graduation. But I’ll have to wait for three months. (10) (11) I need money this week. (11)

W: Maybe some kind of part-time job? (11) Before that, you could borrow something, but I wouldn’t advise that.

M: I suppose you’re right. I should look for a part-time job.

W: I’ve already begun looking for full-time jobs. (12)

M: Maybe I should be doing that as well. Have you been invited for any interviews?

W: I haven’t actually applied anywhere yet. I’ve just looked at what kind of job is being offered.

M: What are you thinking of doing?

W: I’d like to be a translator. But maybe a teacher if I fail that. How about you?

M: For my career, I want to do engineering.

Text 9

W: That smells good. What are you making? (13)

M: My breakfast for tomorrow. (13)

W: But it’s almost dinner time!

M: Well, I’ve got a very early start tomorrow morning.

W: What are you going to do?

M: I’ve got a meeting at my company’s head office. If I don’t prepare, I know I’ll end up eating something unhealthy at the train station. I’ve also made a salad to take with me for lunch.

W: Wow, I’ve never known you to be this organized! You’re very serious about losing weight, aren’t you?

M: I am. And I’m happy to say it’s working!

W: Oh, really?

M: Yes, I’ve lost six kilos since I started at the beginning of the year. I weighed 95 kilos when I started in January. (14)

W: That’s amazing…and in only four months! (14) Have you been exercising too?

M: Yes. I used to take the bus to work, and now I ride a bike instead. (15)

W: That’s really great. Maybe I should try to learn from you!

M: You don’t need to lose any weight!

W: I may be slim, but I eat way too much junk food. And I drive everywhere, even when it would be easy to walk.

M: Well, I can lend you the book that inspired me. (16)

W: That would be great! Thanks.

Text 10(第17题为总结题)

Honestly, I can’t believe my dream has come true. As a young man, I have always been imagining moving to Los Angeles one day and putting my whole heart into music. Of course, at the time, this seemed like a very distant hope. But thanks to my fans, supporters and wife, I’m here today. First, I released three twelve-song records, which slowly gained attention around my hometown in Northern England and some nearby regions like Scotland and Ireland. (18) And now, my latest project, which was just a single song, caught the world’s attention. (19) For that, I’d say it only happened because I refused to give up. Through the ups and downs in my career, I did it all for the love of music. So, being recognized for this award means a lot to me.

To all the young musicians out there, you can do it too. Plus, to all the fans and anyone enjoying my music, I’ve done this for you. This award is for all of us — may many more great things come in the future. Now, put your hands together for our host, Bob Ackerman, with the next award. (20)















