
2024-04-16 12:12:3200:59 26

Make sure to ask yourself daily: What tasks are important, and what tasks are the most important in your workday.
Making sure I read English for 3 hours daily is crucial this year. It's essential for me to develop self-learning skills, which will boost my confidence in learning other skills independently in the future.
My youngest son has been having persistent vomiting and diarrhea. Yesterday afternoon, I rushed him to the emergency room at Tingzhou Hospital. The doctor administered intravenous fluids and prescribed probiotics. We also have an appointment for a stool test tomorrow to determine the cause of his symptoms.
My wife has been getting sick on and off recently, and she has to get up at night to take care of our crying son. Her sleep quality is seriously affected, leading to irritability and lowered immunity. I need to find a way to ensure she gets a good night's sleep.

