Dylan Briley: Death & Cooking

2024-04-17 06:01:4690:47 2215

Dylan Briley is the Head Chef at Crush, former Sous Chef at Mr & Mrs Bund, and former chef at Goga in Shanghai.  He is also an artist, culinary consultant and DJ.  Today we talk about digital addiction, self-hate and his experiences working in the restaurant industry, both in the US and China. He recounts a pivotal moment when he had a heart attack while working at a restaurant in Shanghai and shares a story of the time he ruined a steak for an American President.  We discuss the challenges he faced adapting to the different management styles and cultural norms in Chinese kitchens, being the most hated person in the room, as well as the stress and self-doubt he experienced early in his career in China. Dylan reflects on the importance of finding balance, being true to oneself, and embracing opportunities for 

personal growth. Bon Appétit. 

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简介:The Honest Drink是三个来自美国的华裔男生畅所欲言的真诚记录。Justin,Howie,Aric,希望自己不打烊的“声波酒馆”不仅能够成为朋友间共同的回忆,还能够跨越东西方文化的藩篱,传递给陌生人更多的能量。在这里,不喝鸡汤,只是干杯好酒,分享收获,聆听故事。