英语考试Cat-雅思口语P1-Money and mobile payment移动支付

2024-05-20 21:49:2904:31 25

Do you prefer to save money or spend money?

As a student, saving money is a priority for me, so I do exercise restraintparticularly in clothing and entertainment purchases, capitalizing on the perpetual warm climate that allows for simple attire like T-shirts and shorts to be worn. 

Once in a while, I’ll treat myself to a nice dinner, and when it comes to buying books, as I enjoy reading, I adhere to a self-imposed ruleacquiring only one or two at a time and ensuring their completion before purchasing more. 

Thus, while I allocate my finances to meet my needs, such as rent and food and lean towards a prudent approach to managing my finances, I suppose I could say I also enjoy being able to buy what I want, but alas, I know I must also save, and place that as my priority. 

priority 优先事项

exercise restraint 克制自己

capitalizing on 利用

perpetual 永久的

treat myslf to 用……来奖励自己

adhere to 遵守

a self-imposed rule 自定的规则

acquire 获得

ensure 确保

completion 完成

allocate ... to 分配给

meet my needs 满足我的需求

lean towards 倾向于

prudent 谨慎的

How do you save money?

I guess one of the most effective methods I employ is to restrain impulsive purchasesso I have what I call a 'cool-down' periodWhen tempted to make a purchase, I remind myself to wait a week before buying it, particularly if it’s an expensive item. Surprisingly, most of the time, the desire for the item diminishes within a few days. 

This approach significantly reduces impulse buying and can contribute to substantial savings over time. Additionally, I make it a point to keep so-called expense funds on my phone, and the remainder in the bank, so a mental red flag will pop up if a purchase requires me to dive into my savingsThis way I am forced to really question myself as to whether I really need the item or not.

restrain 约束

impulsive purchases 冲动购买

cool-down period 冷静期

tempted to 受到诱惑

diminish 减少;降低

significantly reduce 大幅减少

impulse buying 冲动购买

substantial 可观的

remainder 剩余

red flag 警示信号

dive into my savings 动用储蓄

question myself as to whether 质问自己是否……

What do you think about payment apps or mobile payments?

Oh, I think they’re great. Payment apps and mobile payments have revolutionized the way we manage our finances. Gone are the days of standing in bank queues or hunting for ATMs in order to transfer or withdraw money. With just a few taps on the phone, we can effortlessly make transactions anytime and anywhereIt's incredibly convenient and time-saving

However, I've noticed a downside – the ease of digital payments can lead to impulse buying and overspendingWithout physically handing over cash, it's easy to lose track of expenses and succumb to frivolous spending. Despite this drawback, I appreciate the convenience and efficiency that payment apps offer us.

revolutionized the way 革新了……的方式

gone are the days of 已经不存在了

queues 排队

hunt for 搜寻

effortlessly 毫不费力

transactions 交易

incredibly convenient 极其方便

time-saving 省时的

a downside 一个不利的方面

digital payments 数字支付

overspending 过度消费

handing over cash 给现金

succumb to 屈服于

frivolous spending 乱花钱

Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?

No, absolutely not. I firmly believe that we are living in the end days of cash and that it will soon become obsoleteespecially in China where digital payments reign supreme

Personally, I can't recall the last time I used cash in China while shopping. Whether in bustling cities or small towns, mobile payments have become ubiquitous in people’s daily life. From swiping my phone at big shopping malls to settling bills at mom-and-pop storescashless transactions have become the norm

In other countries though, I think they will take longer to reach the same point as we have in China, for exampleeven in Singapore and Australia, many people still rely on cash and is still quite prevalent. I know in Western countries, they prefer to use their debit card rather than using digital payment apps, but eventually they too will become digitalizedI’m sure

living in the end days of 末日

obsolete 过时

reign supreme 盛行

bustling 繁华的

mobile payments 移动支付

ubiquitous 无处不在

swipe 刷(卡)

settle bills 结账

mom-and-pop stores 小店

cashless transactions 无现金交易

the norm 普遍

rely on 依赖

prevalent 普遍现象;正常

debit card 信用卡

digitalized 数字化





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