1. 环境法规-限塑令

2018-03-09 11:10:4005:12 63



Describe a law about environment

You should say


What it is

When it was introduced

What it is good for

And explain why this law will be popular.



Do you think it's good for children to have all kinds of rules in school? Like wearing uniforms or being on time for classes.

Can you give some rules in your school/work?

What can parents and teachers do to help children follow the rules?

Do you think the companies need to check with the employees before giving out the rules?

How about the government, should they also listen to the public opinions on new rules?

Sample answer

Well, today, I’d like to tell you about a law that was introduced in Chinaabout 5 years ago---the banning of the giving free plastic bags (塑令) in supermarkets.

Basically, customers/shoppers can get unlimited amount of plastic shoppingbags in the markets especially in the supermarkets for free in the past. Whathappens with these shopping bags is that shoppers will turn these shopping bagsinto the garbage bags afterwards. This will lead to a very serious problem interms of controlling the total amount of garbage disposed of to the nature. Aswe know, all the household wastes are either buried in the landfill填埋and plastics normally take decades to decompose分解in the wild, or these garbage will be burned and thebags will cause serious pollution to the air.

So, what the government was proposing is to limit the bags given for freeto the shoppers. They would either have to pay like 30-50 cents for each bagthey use, depending on the size. This will discourage people to use plastic bags,instead, they will need to bring their own reusable shopping bags.

This law was designed to reduce the use of plastic bags and improve thepublic awareness on living a more environmental friendly life. But,unfortunately, I don’t think the law has been implemented very effectively. Alot of vendors in the farmers’ markets still give out free plastic bags to theshoppers. So, in my view, government should beef up its effort not just in thelegislation, but also in the enforcement part. That’s all, thank you.


Part 3

Do you think it’s good for children to have allkinds of rules in school? Like wearing uniforms or being on time for classes.

Well, definitely, children are at the prime time to learn all kinds ofknowledge and values in the society. I believe they should try to develop somegood habits and understand the importance of being a responsible andlaw-abiding individual from early on. Things like honesty and rightfulness, beingpunctual准时 for classes, being respectful to the teachers andsenior citizens, being friendly and helpful to their peers are crucial to them.These all will help them grow up and be positive members in the society.

2. Can you give some rules in your school/work?

Of course, students are not supposed to turn up late for classes. They shouldfollow the code of conduct行为准则 during the school hours, like they should not interrupt the classes, orthey shouldn’t bully others. They can’t cheat during the exams, or play withtheir mobile phones in class. Some schools would also ban food and drinks inthe classroom, and some teachers are very serious with plagiarism抄袭. Yeah, they have all kinds of rules for students.

3. What can parents and teachers do to help children follow the rules?

I think both parents and teachers should be good role models (榜样) themselves because children can be very goodcopycats. Secondly, families and schools should be quite outspoken 直言不讳about any offense or violation of the rules, and I think the relevantpunishment should be in place. Besides, proper communication is the best way toprevent these things from happening. Children also have self-esteem  just like adults, so they should be properlyinformed about any misconduct and the consequences they would face if theybreak the rules.

4. Do you think the companies need to check with theemployees before giving out the rules?

Well, yes and no. To me, each work place should establish a systematic andwell-designed company rules and policies in order to regulate (规范) the staff behavior. These should be clearlyexplained to everyone when they are hired. For any other new rules, I thinkchecking with the employees before making them official would be helpful. Youdon’t want to punish anyone for small things and in the end, employees are thebiggest asset of the company, so their overall career satisfaction(职业满意度 should be in line with the company goals and policies.

5. How about the government, should they also listento the public opinions on new rules?

Well, certainly. One thing we should realize is thatany legislations (立法) or regulations (规章) should serve the wellbeing of the people. I think a responsiblegovernment should listen to its people’s views ad opinions about any new piecesof laws before giving them out. After all, if the rules turned out to beunjustified or only reflect a small part of the public opinions, I don’t thinkit will be effective and last long.











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简介:季学斌老师 Gerald 雅思季 全国著名的雅思殿堂级口语写作大师。南京梦工场教育创始人。毕业于美国德克萨斯州理工大学。共计有17年的雅思教学经历,8年托福教学经验,留美八年,在新西兰工作三年,其中在奥克兰与多名雅思考官共同从事雅思教学两年,在新东方环球雅思朗阁雅思托福培训机构任职一线教师及机构校长多年。其口语专著《雅思口语梦工场》2017年2月出版,该书由中央电视台英籍专家Michael Butterworth校审与配音。其姊妹篇《雅思写作梦工场》2017年12月出版。系列丛书《雅思阅读梦工场》2018年上半年出版。梦工场教育位于南京国际贸易中心,擅长口语写作一对一提分。学雅思找雅思季,要提分来梦工场。