18-4-12 【《老友记》900句】第57讲 第二季第18集 Joey坎坷演艺路

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参加课堂语音互动加京晶微信:goingforgold2018 验证注明添加理由

联系主持人 新浪微博: @京晶am774 @英语PK










I hope our friendship will forever and ever.

I hope that we have a long live friendship.

Thank you so much.




3、我是一名在美国的留学生,我有一个美国同学说我是一个sassy girl,我不是很明白这是什么意思。我查字典说这是我说rude的意思,我很不理解,所以想麻烦harry老师解答一下这到底是什么意思呢?




Chapter 5职场风云迭起Scene 33演艺之路有喜也有悲






Rachel: Oh c’mon Joey, we care aboutyou.

Chandler: We’re worriedabout you.

Monica:And some of us really have to pee. [ ᵗsʌ mə vʌs rɪl li hæf dəpi.]

Phoebe: Listen, sorry about your death;that really sucks.

Chandler: We came over as soon aswesaw.

Ross: How could you not tell us?

Joey: I don’t know,I was kindahoping no one would ever find out.

[i wʌz kɑi nə hou pɪn nou ʷʌn wʊ de vər fɑin dɑu’]

Rachel: Well, maybe they can find a way tobring you back.

[el, mei bi ðei kən fɑin də wei də briŋ jµ bæk.]

Joey: Naa, they said that when theyfound my body,my brain was so smashed in that the only doctor that couldhave saved me was me. Supposed to be some kind of ironyorsomething.

Phoebe: But Joey, you’re gonna be fine.You don’t need that show; it was just a dumbsoap opera.

Joey: Phoebe, this was the greatestthing that ever happened to me.

Phoebe: Yes, I was goingto incorporate that. Oh good, here’s Monica, she’ll have something nice tosay. [ʃil hæv sʌm θiŋ nɑis tə sei.]

Monica: Um, I straightened out your showercurtainso you won’t getmildew.What? To me that’s nice.

[ɑi sdrei’ ‘ən dɑu’ jər ʃɑu ʷər kər’ ‘ən sou jµ woun’ ge’ mɪl dµ]



Homework: 本周学习--连读掌握


1、And some of us really have to pee.

[ən ᵗsʌ mə vʌs rɪl li hæf də pi.]

2、I was kinda hoping no one would ever find out.

[ɑi wʌz kɑi nə hou pɪn nou ʷʌn wʊ de vər fɑin dɑu’]

3、maybe they can find a way to bring you back.

[wel, mei bi ðei kən fɑin də wei dəbriŋ jµ bæk.]

4、she’ll have something nice to say.

[ʃil hæv sʌm θiŋ nɑis tə sei.]

5、I straightened out your shower curtain so you won’t getmildew.

[ɑi sdrei’ ‘ən dɑu’ jər ʃɑu ʷər kər’‘ən sou jµ woun’ ge’ mɪl dµ]



Homework: 课堂检查上次连读


1、It’s hard to believe just a while ago this was nothingbut ingredients.

[ɪ tsɑərd tə bə livə dʒʌs də lɪ dəl wɑil lə gou ðɪ swʌz nʌ θiŋ bʌ dɪn gri di ʲənts]

2、I thought it was… quite tasty.

[ɑi θɑ dɪ’ wʌz, kwɑi’ teis di ]

3、And the next time you cater for me…

[ən ðə neks tɑi mjµ kei dər fərmi]

4、That really means a lot.

[ðæ’ rɪl li min zə lɑ’]






