
2015-08-23 17:12:5016:49 8.3万
所属专辑:English Pod 365
Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ I’m Sorry I Love You VI (C0064)<br> A: This is ridiculous! I can’t believe you’ve been sleeping with someone else! How could you do this! You know what? I’m out of here!<br> B: Wait! Doctor how is this possible? I haven’t cheated on my boyfriend!<br> C: I have something to confess... I’m sorry Veronica, I lied.<br> B: Wait... what? What do do you mean?<br> C: I lied. You aren’t even pregnant; there’s no bun in the oven. I was just so overwhelmed with jealousy that I couldn’t help myself. Veronica I love you!<br> B: What are you talking about!!! Who are you?<br> C: It’s me! Daniel, don’t you remember me? From high school. I sat behind you every day in class! I used to go to every football game and watch you in the cheerleading squad!<br> B: You are insane! We never even spoke! Why did you lie like that to my boyfriend?<br> C: Because Veronica... It’s not fair! I love you; I have since the first day we met! Everything was going fine until that jerk came into the picture and ruined everything! I went to med school and became a doctor for you! You always said how you wanted to marry a doctor! You will be mine now... one way or another...<br> A: I heard everything, you lying bastard! Get your hands off her!


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1. sleeping with: you are involved someone and having sexual relationship. ##2. confess: tell a secret ##3. be overwhelmed with joy/ work/ jealousy: good emotion or bad emotion that you feel nearly explode. ##4. jerk: a stupid and mean person; bastard: see G. O.T. ##5. a bun in the oven : pregnant


1 med school:医学院 a med student 医学系学生 She is in med school.她在念医学。 2 cheerleading squad:啦啦队 3 a bun in the oven:怀孕


6. I couldn’t help myself: I couldn’t stop it. ##7. came into the picture: appear in somebody's life ##8. insane疯狂的 med school医学院 bun小面包 oven 烤箱 cheerleading带领啦啦队 squad小组


in science class吧

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