I Want to Go Home 我想回家

2024-02-13 20:32:0303:49 7.7万

关注微信公众号:米乐英语亲子阅读 ,领取精美电子绘本。私信小编领取更多福利哦。我们新推出了北美经典儿歌优选,大家记得收听和订阅哦~


One day, the queen found a new castle


"This one's too small, now we have your brother!"


"And then, there's that lot," she said.


"And THAT LOT..."

“还有这些小动物 …”

"I don't want to live somewhere else," said the Little Princess.


"Oh, yes you do," said the Queen. 


"You'll have much more room."


So, the Duke of Somewhereorother bought the old castle...

所以,国王就把老城堡卖给了某位公爵 …

...and the Little Princess moved into the new one.


"I WANT TO GO HOME!" said the Little Princess.


"You ARE home," said the Queen.


"Look at your posh new room.


It's big, and full of your things."


"I WANT TO GO HOME!" said the Little Princess.


"But look at the new garden," said the Queen.


"Perhaps the Gardener will let you help him."


"I WANT TO GO HOME!"said the Little Princess.


"But look at the new kitchen," said the Queen.


"I want to go home NOW!" said the Little Princess.


"Very well," said the Queen.


"You can go back to the old castle,but only for a peep."


"The Duke of Somewhereorother lives there now. 


Look,he's painted it!"


"The Dukelet lives in your old room!"


"Look at the lovely new kitchen!" 


said the Duchess of somewhereorother.


"And see how nice the garden is without those horrible trees..."

“你再看看没了那些难看的树,这花园多好看啊 …”

"We could have tea and cake on the lawn...

“我们可以在草地上喝喝茶吃吃蛋糕 …

...so long as you don't drop crumbs."


"After all, we don't want birds, do we? 


I have to hoover the grass every day as it is."


"I WANT TO GO HOME!" said the Little Princess.


"ME TOO!" said the Queen.


"Mmmmmmmmmm!"said the Little Princess.


"This is more like it!"







I’ll let you know when I get home lol lol so I’ll let you know when I get home lol lol so I’ll let you know when I get home lol lol so I’ll let you know when