
2015-09-03 11:40:1095:42 97
所属专辑:Steve Pavlina

It’s been months since I posted a new podcast — my apologies since I was busy writing my book — so it’s nice to finally share some freshly recorded audio.

Many readers have requested that Erin and I create a podcast together, so that’s exactly what we did. In this podcast we discuss psychic development and psychic skills in great depth. At almost 96 minutes, this is the longest podcast we’ve ever done. We didn’t originally intend to make it so long, but we got on a roll and covered many interesting topics that readers frequently ask us about.

Topics discussed in this podcast include (not necessarily in order):

  • Story of how Erin developed her psychic skills from a young age
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Astral projection
  • How Erin made the shift to doing professional psychic readings
  • Erin’s Criss Angel story
  • Lessons from 1000+ professional readings
  • Skeptics, skepticism, disbelief, and reading for skeptics vs. believers
  • Psychic junkies
  • The role of free will
  • Spirit guides, angels, and humans who’ve crossed over
  • What happens when you die? What is it like on the other side?
  • Distinguishing genuine psychic impressions from emotions and imagination
  • Why charge money for readings? Why not do them for free?
  • How to price your readings when you read professionally
  • What happens during a psychic reading? How does it work?
  • Why do different people get such different readings?
  • Chakras
  • Do psychics predict the future?
  • Difference between a psychic and a medium
  • How to develop your own psychic/intuitive skills
  • How personal development continues after you die

Aside from jotting down a short list of topics to address, this was totally unscripted. We’re both very candid and share many stories about our personal experiences. I also toss in a few of my own theories about how various psychic phenomena work. If you’re curious about any of the the topics above, I think you’ll learn a lot from this exploration of psychic development, regardless of how skeptical you may be.

This podcast was recorded on different equipment that I normally use. I just bought an Edirol R-09 portable recording device, which makes it easy to record podcasts away from my PC, so I was eager to test it out. The recording quality isn’t ideal because we casually recorded this in our living room with the R-09’s built-in mic instead of using my higher quality condenser mic, but you shouldn’t have any trouble hearing us clearly.

Erin and I enjoyed recording this together, so we may do more two-person recordings down the road if this one is well-received.

Enjoy the podcast…

(Time = 1:35:42, Size = 43.8MB)


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