Kid Presidents

2018-05-25 14:15:3710:52 1428

Question one:

Do you know the meaning of the word Okay?

Do you know where the abbreviation OK comes from?

President Martin Van Buren helped to make the word OK Known popular to the public in his campaign for president.  He had a nickname of “Old Kinderhook”, since that was his hometown. So his supporters used OK to represent him in rallies, and eventually this abbreviation is almost known everywhere in the world.

Question two:

Do you know president Franklin Pierce?

When Franklin Pierce was young, his father tried to make sure that he got the best education he could . He was sent to a boarding school when he was only 11 years old. Poor Franklin got homesick at school. One Sunday, he decided to return home and have Sunday dinner with his family. 

So he walked 14 miles (22 kilometers)  by himself.  His father let him have dinner but then send him back to school.  In this back to school trip, his father only drove him halfway, and ordered him to walk the rest half on foot.

Question three:

Do you know who was the president who had such big floppy earlobes,   so big other kids would even pay him a nickel to pull on his earlobes until he started crying?  Lyndon Johnson

When he became a president, he once lifted his dog by its ears in front of a camera which later on was released to the public. This caused a national protest from animal lovers.

Question four:

Do you know who was the president that had 5 brothers  all nicknamed Ike?  

Dwight David Eisenhower

Actually when he was born, he was named David Dwight Eisenhower, with David as his first name and Dwight as his middle name. Later on his parents changed that because his father was named David  and his mother didn’t want him called David Jr.

Question five:

Do you who was the president that once ate nothing but pears for two whole days. He got so sick that he refused to eat another pear for more than thirty years.

It’s president President Herbert Hoover.

When Herbert Hoover was young, it seemed like accidents were always happening to him. 

For example, one day when He was playing with an axe he almost chopped off one of his own fingers.  Another day he stepped onto a burning ember with his bare foot and got a scar that he kept for the rest of his life. 

Question six:

Do you know who was one of the greatest presidents who held America together during the Civil War?  

When he was 10, he almost died because he got kicked on the head by a horse. 

Question seven:

Do you know who was the president that got arrested 4 times in one day on a Germany bicycling tour?

Franklin D Roosevelt.

The first time he ran over a goose; then he  picked cherries from a private cherry tree; next,  he illegally parked his bike, and last he was seen biking after sunset.

Question Eight:

Do you know who was the president who was not allowed to go outside of his house until he was 5?

Rutherford Hayes.

I don’t care how  big the house is, every kid likes to go outside and play!!!!!!!!

Question Nine:

Do you know which president used to be the head cheer leader at his high school?

George W Bush 

Question ten:

Do you know which president did mischief with people’s outhouse?

When Andrew Jackson was young he was very naughty. Her liked to sneak out in the night and hide  people’s night house  so they could not find it when they were in urgent need of it.

Question 11:

Have you ever thought about to grow a money tree?

When Jimmy Carter was young, he convinced his younger sister that money could be grown.  His sister believed him and brried a nickel in the ground. Jimmy dug up the nickel and kept for himself.  







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