李连杰 柯南深夜秀

2022-08-28 03:51:2210:56 150

----we're back, my first guess, one of the  biggest martial arts stars in the world.  his latest film Unleashed opens next  Friday. let's take a look.
----my god....Jet Li!...you're the fastest, I've ever seen in a  fight in martial arts fight, that is  incredible. and some of those moves in  that clip, you hit a guy's fist with your  head, I've never seen that before, 
----because  I played a character. he's called  Denny. he's like a dog. he's like 
----in  the beginning. he's like  a mad dog who just knows how to fight.  
----yeah, he only know how to hurt people, but later on, through a Morgan  Freeman's character through the mill  secret,  he started ----Morgan Freeman's character,  comes in and helps him sort of learn  more. but you know, I identify with that  character. I, to him a ferocious  destructive machine, look into my eyes,  you can see it. can't you? 
----okay. uh,  need some Visine. yeah, you have, you know,  you have a secret of self-defense, and  it's, it's interesting. it's... I heard that  you had a secret of self-defense, and I  was expecting something about a move, or  something you said, it's an attitude, is  your secret to self-defense? 
----it's a smile,  
----a smile? 
----yes, smile to people, because the  way you'll hurt people, they will revenge,  and that you fight again and again. I can  never stop, so I smile, making people  happy, then we will stop work... 
----hate to  disagree with you gently, but all through  high school, I tried the smiling at  people approach, and I got hammered, you  know, I wish I'd had a few of your moves.  there is a style, a fighting style, and  I'm gonna mispronounce it. I'm sure. it's  a zuiquan? 
----which is a, which is,  the, it's called the drunken style.  ----yes, drunk style. 
----why do they call it,  drunk style of fighting? 
----because we  create as a movement, and like a physic  whole like drunk guy, you know, right  physically, but vandal is very clear, 
----but  what would be the advantage of acting  like a drunk person in a fight? I  obviously, I don't understand. what would  be the advantage 
---- doing this style, you  know? when they punch you, it's, it's back  deck. 
----oh, I see. you made yourself all kind  of rubbery. then may they hit you, you  just sort of like, 
----yes, yeah, yeah, 
----those  are my doing it well right now, am i  doing it well?
----that's very good, you know,  that whitter, 
----I don't see how this would  help me in a fight exactly, so what  you're telling me to do is smile, and  then go like this.  that's gonna get me into more fights in  New York City. um, you and I have  something in common. you don't like  anyone messing with your hair. is that  true? in a fight scene you really don't  like people touching your hair, is that  true? 
----nope. now, you see the dope, you know,  if I make a movie there, her list, you  know, kicking back here. oh yeah, artemiy  and bother me, bother me, and I say okay,  okay. one day I talk to people, say, you  can beat me up, you can kill me, but don't  touch my hair. 
----right, right, 
----thank you.  
----right, yeah, I hate what I'm about to go,  do the show. a lot of people come out, and  they're always touching this beautiful  thing, and I'm like... leave it alone, back  off, let the master do his thing, that's  what I said.  when you, don't laugh at that, when you work, when you... it's very difficult, when you  work with people who are not martial  artists other movie stars, who haven't  been trained. you have to be extra  careful with them, don't you? 
----yes, of  course. like a first time I work in the  States lethal weapon for miss milk, it's  with no gifts...  first time. tell me, is a jet. you can do  everything, but it cannot hurt mel. ----don't  hurt mel. 
----yeah right, but I first day, I  work with Mel. I'm very exciting, you know,  work huge start. right, right, move very  quickly,  after move. Milson, wait a  minute. how many hits? hardly movement. say seven. he said why? I only saw  two. 
----I thought I can do  that too. look how fast I am?  
----yes, you know, you get they were drugged.  
----why I'm drugged?  you can smell...now you are... um you  are, you're 42 years old. yes, and you are  incredible shape. you, you seem like you'd  be in the shape of like a 21 year old.  how do you do that? how do you stay in  shape like that?  
----I edit eight every day, and also, I  play some badminton. 
----I'm not  learning any of the things that I want  to hear. smile, act drunk, and play  badminton.  what has that does badminton really help  you? 
----yeah it really helped, because I know  I can play anywhere I go,  you  know, with... when people is enough,  not a lot, like a basketball, you know, we  need two five people ten. 
----right, right,  there bad mitten you can play anywhere.  and it probably took good hand-eye  coordination, 
----and tell your body in a  move. can I say? 
----yeah, right, that's,  that's fascinating. I'm gonna start  taking a badminton and then people gonna  really beat me up.  well, we mention this already, but this  movie Unleashed, it's interesting idea  that you are basically someone, who was  trained in the movie. your character was  never really taught to, to speak, or  communicate, or have emotions. your  character was just trained to be an  attack dog and fight. 
----and then you  end up meeting Morgan Freeman, and he  tries to help you, but through a good  part of the movie, you have to be someone  who in for all intents purpose, is a  vicious animal. how did you train for  that as an actor? how did you prepare? 
----I  played more than 30 movies, always played  tough guy. right this first time I play  in a mentally only ten years old. I  need the first thing, I need a worker, is  acting coach. forgot who it, who Jet li is, I just forget, 
----forget gently  completely a common sort of discerning.  
----I am learning this denny's world.  but I stay in  this world for seven months. I got a very  painful, you know, I got a very hurt, I  have worse, I, the whole year I didn't  make movies. 
----so  because it was such a  drain to do this one character, that  afterwards you decide. I'm not gonna make  a movie for a year. I just have to
---- very  pimple. 
----right, hired her right, right to be  that person. and also must be hard for  the people around you. when you're a  weak, because you become these characters,  and then other people have to you. don't  you take it home with you  end of the day  of shooting probably 
----yeah,  you know, my lawyer, my manager, everybody  say, hey Jet, this is the next movie. we  want to talk about this here. "get out of  here, I'm Danny. I'm not JD, I don't want  to talk to his knees, I only focus on the  here.", 
----right well, they live in Hollywood.  I'm there in the industry, I'm sure they  know what an attack dog is like. so  they'll be fine, but it must be still  very weird for them. I would think, you  know, for people to be around you, when  you're in that kind of phase. 
----yes very  hard for them, 
----you um, when you first came  to the United States from China. you,  you performed this is 1974,  is that right?  you performed as part  of a show at the White House, and the  president was was President Nixon at the  time and during that period of time,  there were very hostile cold  relationships between the United States,and China. when you came to this  country Bay, and you stayed in a hotel  room ,they bugged your room, is that true?  ----yeah, that's a hurting.  I was in China, because at that time two country,  never closed. they don't understand each  other, so... but I may ... I  went to the hotel. I tried to say, there I  have real, have ... in the day somewhere.  I talked to the mirror, tucked to  flowers. they ... I want  chocolate I want ice  cream.
----you want  chocolate, you want ice  cream? 
----yeah I want a banana,   so next morning in a way I go to  the demonstration. I go back, open the  door.  I was shocked. everything I ... awesome,  
----just really. they got it for you. well,  that's very nice,  well you know, today it's not so bad, all  right, 
----very good.  
----at least there it's like you're a  jack-in-the-box, at least they're  listening. that's nice. uh, well. Unleashed  opens next Friday. and really very cool  to meet you. of us really want to have  you on the show.  We thank you so much for being here.  ---Jet Li,let's check in again. we're going to  check in with Jose and Danville got a  hotel in Atlantic City. and I think  they've got Sammy Hagar is doing a guest  for us. there we go. let's see, ----let's have  fun. I'm gonna win you some money, brother.  
----all right, thank you very much. Sammy  Hagar, everybody, yeah.  very, very exciting, all right, thank you  gently.Jet Li. Jennifer Esposito coming up. we'll  take a break, we'll be right back.  

----that's our show. do you want to thank my  guests aimlessly that was fantastic?  thank you so much for doing it. thanks to  Jennifer Esposito for stopping by.  welcome back to New York,  our thanks to Jet Li, our thanks to Max  Weinberg, to the Max Weinberg 7, and let's  quickly check in with Jose and Dan at  the Borgata Hotel in Atlantic City. Jose  tell us what's the grand total for our  audience? 
----Coenen after 200 pulls we have  $119. that's fifty nine and a half cents  per person. 
----Wow very nice, well, because  I'm in show business and I've done quite  well. I'm going to personally round that  up to one dollar for everyone in the  audience.








超越生死 ·李连杰寻找李连杰



超越生死 | 李连杰寻找李连杰










