United States' economy Over-regulated A

2023-06-10 02:10:4414:51 20
United States' economy
Over-regulated America
The home of laissez-faire(自由放任经济) is being suffocated(窒息) by excessive and badly written regulation. Americans love to laugh at ridiculous(滑稽可笑的) regulations. A Florida law requires vending-machine(售货机) labels to urge the public to file(琢磨) a report if the label is not there. The Federal Railroad Administration insists that all trains must be painted with an "F" at the front, so you can tell which end is which. Bureaucratic(官僚的) busybodies(爱管闲事的人) in Bethesda, Maryland, have shut down children's lemonade(柠檬水) stands(摊位) because the enterprising(有进取心的) young moppets(宝宝) did not have trading licences. The list goes hilariously(引人发笑的) on. But red tape(繁文缛节) in America is no laughing matter. The problem is not the rules that are self-evidently(不言而喻地) absurd。
过度监管的美国放任自由的家正被过多且写得不好的监管所窒息。美国人喜欢嘲笑可笑的规定。佛罗里达州的法律要求自动售货机标签敦促公众​​在不存在自动售货机标签的情况下提交报告。美国联邦铁路管理局(Federal Railroad Administration)坚持要求所有火车的前部都必须涂有“ F”字样,这样您才能分辨出哪一端。马里兰州贝塞斯达(Bethesda)的官僚机构忙于关闭儿童柠檬水摊,因为进取的年轻布偶没有交易许可证。名单很有趣。但是在美国繁文tape节并不是什么好笑的事。问题不在于显而易见的规则。

It is the ones that sound reasonable on their own(仅仅凭借自己) but impose a huge burden collectively(集体地). America is meant to be(命中注定) the home of laissez-faire. Unlike Europeans, whose lives have long been circumscribed(受到限制的) by meddling(干预的) governments and diktats(绝对命令) from Brussels, Americans are supposed to be free to choose, for better or for worse(不管怎样). Yet for some time America has been straying(偏离) from this ideal. Consider the Dodd-Frank law of 2010. Its aim was noble: to prevent another financial crisis. Its strategy was sensible(通情达理的), too: improve transparency, stop banks from taking excessive risks, prevent abusive(滥用的) financial practices and end "too big to fail" by authorising(授权) regulators to seize (抓住)any big, tottering(摇摇欲坠的) financial firm and wind it down(关闭它). This newspaper supported these goals at the time, and we still do. But Dodd-Frank is far too complex, and becoming more so. At 848 pages, it is 23 times longer than Glass-Steagall(格拉斯格尔法案), the reform that followed the Wall Street crash of 1929。

Worse, every other page demands that regulators fill in(填写) further detail. Some of these clarifications(澄清) are hundreds of pages long. Just one bit, the "Volcker rule", which aims to curb risky(危险) proprietary trading(专营交易) by banks, includes 383 questions that break down into(把—分解成) 1,420 subquestions(子问题). Hardly anyone has actually read Dodd-Frank(多的弗兰克), besides the Chinese government and our correspondent(通讯记者) in New York. Those who have struggle to make sense of it(理解), not least because so much detail has yet to be filled in(填写): of the 400 rules





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