The Mother-child Affinity[福说英语][21-05-12]

2022-09-16 22:32:0312:27 99


A few nights ago I had an abnormal dream,in which I cried my eyes out until I woke up.The next afternoon,I gave my mom a call. Have been hesitant to talk about the dream,so at the beginning of the chat I did not mention.Later,my mother said that the pain in her legs and ankles the night before,and she didn't sleep well all night.I couldn't hold back immediately and told her,"you're not feeling well all night,but I dreamt that you're gone,and I've been crying all the time..."I didn’t expect that my mother was magnanimous.


My hands were shaking and I was on the verge of tears.I stood silently,tears rolling down my cheeks while my mom spouted on and on.也是在这一瞬间,我忽然就理解了什么是母子连心。这种梦境的牵连让我觉得十分的害怕,它总是缠绕着我,让我总想起那一句话:What you dream at night is what you were thinking in daytime.There was a moment I believe in this saying that is regarded as superstition as far as many people concernd.前段时间,我排练心理情景剧的时候,只要我把自己代入到失去父亲的芃芃身上,就会因为那其中的剧情哭好多遍,我根本无法想象,如果我真的永远地失去了自己的妈妈,我该如何去面对往后的生活,这也是我在表演时一直在思考的问题。


“I should have swallowed you!”(我就应该把你塞回去!)“If I can carry you for 10 months, you can carry those things from the car to the house.”(我的肚子能驮着你10个月,你就不能把这些东西从车上搬到家里?)“Wait until you have children.”(等你有孩子你就知道了。) 有时候,记录妈妈生气时对我放的狠话,都觉得十分有趣。十月怀胎的孕育,以及在妈妈肚子里的时候,我的心脏朦朦胧胧地开始第一次心跳后,总让我愿意相信,甚至在我看来这是一种有力的证据来证明妈妈和我之间有着一种冥冥之中的联系,而这些梦境,给这种牵连抹上了一笔神秘的色彩。


Life began with waking up and loving my mother's face.(我的生命是从睁开眼睛,爱上母亲的面孔开始的。)


When a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus and forms a germ,some of the cells differentiate into a cardiac tube, the primordial heart.The normal fetal heart rate is 120~160 times/min,and the heart rate of pregnant women is in the range of 70~90 times/min.With such different bases,it seems hard to relate to the term " The Mother-child Affinity "


Researchers at the University of Aberdeen in the UK asked six healthy pregnant women between 34 and 40 weeks of gestation to perform the experiment.They monitored their electrocardiogram (ECG) with a maternal heart monitor and asked the mothers to breathe at different rates.通过母胎心电监护仪观察他们的心电图,并记录母亲以不同频率呼吸的情况。They found that when the mother breathed at a rate of 20 times a minute,the rate of maternal and fetal heart rhythm alignment was much higher than in other conditions.However,when the fetus is in poor condition,this synchronicity decreases.研究发现,当胎儿状况不好时,母胎心律的同步性就会降低。从某种意义上来说,母子连心最早的表现是:母亲时刻挂念着肚子里宝宝的健康状况。

那么出生后,母子连心还会出现吗? The researchers put 40 pairs of mothers and babies face to face and fitted each person's heart with electrodes to measure the heartbeat.The mother's and child's hearts were soon in sync when the mother's happy laugh appeared.神奇的是,当母亲欢快的笑声一出现,孩子的心跳就能够和他们的母亲实现心跳同步。

Modern psychology research finds that there exists spontaneous coordination effect in interpersonal relationship.人际关系中存在着自发性协调效应。

For example,when Larry King, a well-known American TV host, faces different interviewees, her speech tone will adjust with the interviewee,and through the "synchronization" atmosphere, she will shorten the distance with her distance.这种“社交同步性”在亲子、夫妻这种建立了亲密关系的人之间会更加明显。

A team at the University of Washington in the US has found that a very specific type of cell, called microchimeric cells(微嵌合细胞)found in women's brains.

During pregnancy, a mother and a fetus often exchange cells,and the cells they retain in their bodies tend to live for a long time.

Fetal cells can even enter the mother's brain, and the chimeric DNA in the mother's brain may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's Disease.原来胎儿的细胞甚至还可以进入母亲的大脑,在一定程度上可以降低老年痴呆的风险。尽管这些发现还不能完全解释“母子连心”的原理,但是我来自母亲身体的事实本身,又一次得到了证明。




(The boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew.


He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened to strange music.


Sometimes the mother felt like she was in a zoo!


the mother opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of the bed.


If he was really asleep she picked up that great big boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang:


I'll love you forever,


I'll like you for always,


As long as I'm living,


my baby you'll be.



I’ll love you forever,I’ll like you for always.


毕淑敏在她的散文《孝心无价》里写到: 赶快为你的父母尽一份孝心。也许是一处豪宅,也许是一片砖瓦。也许是大洋彼岸的一只鸿雁,也许是近在咫尺的一个口信。也许是一顶纯黑的博士帽,也许是作业簿上的一个红五分。也许是一桌山珍海味,也许是一个野果一朵小花。也许是花团锦簇的盛世华衣,也许是一双洁净的旧鞋。也许是数亿万计的金钱,也许只是含着体温的一枚硬币……但“孝”的天平上,它们等值。



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