
2022-09-18 04:33

2022-09-18 05:16
France is one of the largest countries in Europe. It is bordered by six countries – Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to the north-east, Switzerland and Italy across the Alps to the south-east and Spain across the Pyrenees to the south-west. The UK is across the English Channel (La Manche). France is regarded by many people as the geographical gateway to Europe. It has several large international airports, two of which are in the capital, Paris and many of which are served by budget airlines. Ferry terminals are located along the north, west and Mediterranean coasts. Visitors from the UK also have the option of taking the Channel Tunnel rail link. Once in France, the motorway network and French rail service are known to be extremely efficient with the high-speed, long distance TGV train service the envy of other nations.
France is a beautiful country in Europe. Their capital is Paris. They speak French. They have the most delicate cuisine of the world.
France is in Europe.