
2022-09-30 17:17

2022-09-30 18:48
Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance
when the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.
Yes,the past can hurt, But I think you can either run from it or learn something from it.
You know some birds are not meant to be caged;their feathers are just are too bright.
Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things.And no good thing ever dies.
Money is not everything. There's MasterCard &Visa
One should love animals.They are so tasty.
Save water.Shower with your girlfriend.
Your dream depends on your dreams.So go to sleep.
The more you learn,the more you know,the more you know, and the more you forget,the more you forget, the less you know.So why bother to learn.
you are my girl