how's the weather like?

2023-10-09 02:05

与how's the weather?有何不同?还有there be是什么 搞不懂- -
there be 指的答贺顷是there is, there are, there was, there were的清陆句拍枣式。e.g.
There is a tree.
There was a tree.
There are two students.
There were two statue.
How is the weather?=What's the weather like?
一定要注意,How后面不加like, what后面有like
there be表示脊卖“有”的意思,我总结的是槐侍这铅野吵个“有”没有主人的时候用。
例如:教室里有2个学生:There are 2 students in the classroom_这个学生没有主人,不是教室“有”的,所以用there be句型,不能用The classroom has 2 students.
how's the weather 怎么读
4个回答2023-10-09 19:30
How is the weather?=what's the weather like? 翻译是:天气怎么样?好枯州败烂 中文谐音:耗死 蛇 韦瑟 weather ['weðə],n. 天气;气象友蔽...
what is the weather和how is the weather的区别是什么?
1个回答2023-10-09 02:05
"what is the weather"用于直接询问天气状况,期望得到具体的答案;而"how is the weather"则用于询问对天气的评估或描述,期望得到一个主观的回答。两者在语法结构上有...
talk about the weather是什么意思
3个回答2023-09-29 03:51
talk about the weather 谈论天气 双语对照 词典结果没胡段: talk about the weather 寒喧; 以上枯誉结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. You drove ...
how is the weather怎么读
2个回答2023-10-09 19:30
英文原文: how is the weather 英团蔽式音标: [haʊ] [ɪz] [ðə] [ˈweðə] 美式音标: [haʊ] [ɪz] [ð陵搏ə] [ˈ尺或祥wɛðɚ]
How is the weather here?的答语
1个回答2023-10-28 09:22
very fine so good 都 OK
What's the wather like?(云和风)
4个回答2023-10-14 03:41
What's the wather?的中文意衡山思是:今天天咐辩中气怎么样? What's the wather like?的中文意思是灶唯:喜欢什么样的天气? 风和云的英文意思是:wind and ...
the musician like writing own music .
1个回答2024-02-01 23:01
当然是their。这个是形容词性物主代词 theirs是名词性物主代词 还有就是like应该加s 单数第三人称
love you like the spring flowers.
2个回答2023-10-08 10:25
ove you like the spring flowers. 爱你如春的花朵胡姿迟。 ove you like the spring flowers. 爱你如春的花朵。 ove you like ...
you shine like the stars什么歌
1个回答2023-09-27 23:35
名字是girl you shine
What' the weather today?用英语应该怎么回答
4个回答2023-09-30 07:10
What's the weather today?今天天气扰瞎怎么样? 回答: It's rainy(下雨)/cloudy(刮风明搜) sunny(天晴)/snowy(激李历下雪) today 等等